Thirty Five

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-Your Soul-

-i don't wanna talk about it-

-i just wanna hold your hand-

"We could always give him that cursed necklace we saw in Borgin and Burkes," Vena suggested to her brother.

The twins were once again, in the Room of Hidden Things. They were deciding what to give Dumbledore that might kill him. Surprisingly, coming up with ideas to kill their headmaster was difficult.

They were leaning up against the Vanishing Cabinet, giving Draco a break from muttering the same spell over and over again. That was another issue. The fucking spell.

Draco would come to the room in between classes, and even skip a few to say the incantation to the Vanishing Cabinet. He had been doing this for over a month, and yet, no progress.

Vena would even start saying the spell when Draco got too annoyed with repeating the same words over and over again, but there was no difference. The Vanishing Cabinet was as broken as it was when the twins had first found it.

"How are we supposed to sneak in a cursed necklace? It would never get past Filch," Draco questioned.

Vena turned to her brother. "You bloody ferret, that's what Madam Rosmerta is for! We just tell her that she has to order the necklace and it'll come through the mail. She can Imperio someone in Three Broomsticks on the first Hogsmeade trip."

Draco looked at his sister like she was Merlin himself. "You truly are a genius, Vi."

The girl smiled at her brother, leaning forward to ruffle his hair. "We'll tell Madam Rosmerta to order it tonight. It should arrive in time for the first Hogsmeade trip in October."

"We need to think of a better way to communicate with her. One of these days we're going to get caught in Hogsmeade. It's too risky," Draco said, biting his nail again.

Vena paused. He was right. Whoever owned that bar could stay up late one night and end up catching them. Someone in the village could stay up later than usual and see them walking through the street.

One of the Professors could find out. There were a lot of things that could go wrong. They needed to find a way to communicate with each other, so the twins could make sure everything was falling into place.

How the hell was the DA able to communicate with each other?

"I'll figure it out," Vena said, running a hand through her hair.


Vena has been arguing with herself for the past fifteen minutes debating how she should bring up the subject. She needed to be casual about it.

"Hey Harry?"


"How were you and the DA able to set up meetings last term?"

She's so stupid. Casual her arse.

Harry leaned back against the couch, biting the tip of his quill. He smiled softly to himself, reminiscing the memories. "We had these coins that looked like galleons, and I had the master one. I would be able to charm it to say something, and when I would send it out the others would burn to signal a message. It was Hermione's idea. Brilliant, really."

Vena sat crossed leg on the floor, tapping her quill against her parchment. It was forming a big black dot in the middle of the parchment, which she knew that she would have to get rid of later. It really was brilliant.

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