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-heaven help a fool who falls in love-

In the middle of January, Vena made her way to the Slytherin table. When she walked over to sit next to her brother, Draco was face down on the table.

"What's wrong with him?" Vena asked Blaise and Theo, who were seated across from the siblings.

"He tried talking to Stella, finally. Wanted to ask her to Hogsmeade for Valentine's Day," Theo said.

Vena froze, causing her goblet of apple juice t overflow. "What did she say?" She asked, biting her lip nervously.

Draco groaned, banging his head on the table.

"It wasn't pretty, princess. He asked her, and she didn't hesitate to tell him how horrible of a person her was," Theo supplied, shoving scrambled eggs into his mouth.

"Oh," she croaked out, taking a large gulp of her goblet so Theo wouldn't be able to tell that she already knew what happened.

Well, to be fair, she didn't actually know. Or, she didn't know know.

After her talk with Draco on Christmas Eve, Vena realized how her brother was not ready to date Stella. He still believed that Pure-bloods were superior, which was to be expected, but Vena didn't realize that his beliefs were so strong that he couldn't get over the fact that she was a Half-blood.

And even though he insisted that it didn't matter to him, she knew it did. She knew that to him, Stella was just someone to casually date, someone not serious. Because while he did like Stella, he couldn't see a future with her. He wouldn't marry her, and certainly wouldn't have children with her.

Not like having children is necessary to a marriage, but she knew that her brother would like an heir to carry on the Malfoy name.

Her brother simply wasn't ready.

He was too immature for someone like Stella. Stella, who romanticizes every little glance, and soft smile. Stella, who hasn't had her first kiss yet, and who is most likely planning on marrying her boyfriend.

That's the thing about Stella; she is incredibly lonely, and an all-or-nothing kind of girl. To her, a relationship is pointless if you don't see a future with them.

But Draco wasn't like that. He messes around with Pansy, taking her on dates despite not actually liking her, all the while shagging other girls. He isn't as boastful about his conquests like Blaise and Theo are, but Vena knows.

She notices how certain Slytherins will look at him like he hung the moon, their eyes wide with lust. Draco doesn't even spare a glance at them, and by the end of the week they realized that they can't change Draco.

Vena could change him, though. So could Stella. But she doesn't want Stella to deal with the toxicity and baggage that her brother has to offer. Not with his traditional and close-minded views.

Stella shouldn't be with someone who will break up with her once their relationship starts to get serious, simply because he can't imagine being with a Half-blood. Even though that Half-blood is the perfect fit for him.

So two days after Christmas, Vena wrote to Stella, explaining her brother's plan to ask her out. She knew it was mean to do that to her own brother, but he isn't ready. Vena wants to make sure that Draco is a good man for Stella.

It's what she deserves.

Vena patted Draco's head, and grabbed a green apple off of the table. "It's okay, she's just an idiot. Are you okay, though?"

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