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-please just have a laugh with me-

Vena rarely sits at the Gryffindor table. She tries to suppress everything that makes her a Gryffindor, anyway. Most of the time sits at the Slytherin table with her brother and his friends, and only sits at the Gryffindor table on a couple of occasions.

Quidditch match days are a couple of those occasions.

She doesn't show much house pride inside or outside of school. At the Manor, Vena is smart enough to not to have anything that involves red and gold, and if you looked in her bedroom, you would just assume she's another Slytherin.

But Quidditch games are different. Vena adores Quidditch, and she is very eager for Fred and George to graduate so she can become a Beater.

Growing up, Vena and Draco would hit a Bludger back and forth with bats in their hands for hours. They wouldn't stop playing until one of them got a black eye and would complain to their father, who would just chuckle bemusedly.

The twins would picture themselves being Beaters together on the Slytherin team, knocking all of their opponents off their brooms and being the unsung heroes of the game.

However, that changed when Potter became Seeker first year, and her father insisted that Draco get on the Slytherin team as a Seeker, much to the boy's dismay. But like always, Draco listened to their father and would half-heartedly play the position every game.

She was hoping that after second year Draco would switch to his rightful position, but instead, Crabbe and Goyle took over as Beaters.

Vena thought it was very stupid to get them as Beaters.

While you did need strength to fly while holding a bat and swinging it back a forth the whole game, there is so much more than that. It's better to be calculated, that way, you can watch when the perfect time is to hit someone. Knowing which spot on the bat is the perfect place to send the Bludger in a specific direction is crucial to a Beater.

Fred and George were good at that aspect, Vena could see the strategies go through their heads, and they made their target almost every time.

Crabbe and Goyle however, solely focused on hitting it hard. They weren't quite good at their job, which made Draco complain to Vena a lot over the years.

The first game of the season was Gryffindor versus Slytherin, which would mean that it would be a brutal game. She knew that the Slytherin's planned to sike Ron off and have Gryffindor lose, but she didn't know exactly what they were going to do.

She tried to get out of Draco, Blaise, and Theo's plans were for the game, but they wouldn't budge. Quidditch was the one thing that the boys would insist on house loyalty, despite them always claiming Vena was an honorary Slytherin.

Whatever it was, Vena was sure it wasn't good. For the past few weeks leading up to the match, the three boys would just snicker and whisper amongst themselves, which infuriated the Gryffindor to no end.

The only thing she did know was that Draco had made badges to say 'Weasley is Our King.' she didn't understand it, as it didn't seem to be that rude but she assumed it would all make sense when the match begins.

She just hoped Draco wouldn't take things too far like he usually does.

She walked over to the Slytherin table to make her usual bets with Theo. While she wasn't as fond of him as she used to be, it was exhausting to be cold to him all the time. She just wants to go back to how it was before, when they were just friends who made bets all the time.

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