Fifty Five

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-if you want we could be runaways-

-running from any sign of love-

The Welcoming Feast wasn't exactly welcoming.

There were not very many first years, and instead of the Great Hall whispering excitedly and waiting eagerly for them to be sorted to their house, the whole room was silent.

Almost as if all of life got sucked out of the school. Or maybe it was because of the Dementors that was surrounding the school. It was under the guise of "protection" just like it had been in third year.

And just like third year, the Dementors didn't do shit. All they did was suck the life out of everyone and make people feel chilled down to the bone. It would've affected Vena more if she hadn't had to live in a similar environment for the past three years.

It's just terrible that unlike the other times, Hogwarts wasn't her escape. If anything, it was just an expanded version of what she had togo through every summer since before fifth year.

Vena could only detect a single positive to this year. Vena and Draco got to stay in the Head Dormitories, which meant that they got to have sleepovers, and have a safe haven.

Vena would not have to face the judgement from her fellow Gryffindors, and Draco wouldn't be bothered by Slytherins. She was eager to get away from the Gryffindors, because she knew that they all hated her by now. Gryffindors were stubborn and hard at forgiving, and Vena knew they wouldn't understand.

Of course they wouldn't. They had parents that were supportive and good and lived a life so opposite of Vena's she couldn't even imagine the possibilities.

However, her relief was cut short when the next morning at breakfast, Snape had announced that everyone was to eat at their house table. No exceptions. Not even for the Head Girl.

Which she thought was stupid, because if she had the title and the power, she should be able to bend the rules for herself.

She knows that Snape likes her, so does she have to follow the rules? It wasn't like Snape has always been the fairest person when it comes to the Slytherins.

So Vena sat at the Gryffindor table begrudgingly, ignoring the dirty looks from her fellow house members. She could feel the eyes of someone behind her, and Vena turned around to see Stella.

It was strange, seeing her and not talking. Even though that it had happened last year, Vena's thoughts and emotions were all over the place and she felt that she had never fully processed what was happening.

She never spent that much energy on things, and kept going through the motions.

Expect when she was with Harry. Never with Harry.

Vena broke eye contact with Stella. It was too much to know that she might never be able to repair the bridge that Vena had burnt down.

She instead chose to bore invisible holes in her oatmeal, until she was startled by the sounds of someone sitting across from her.

She didn't look up, but saw a flash of red hair. Just her luck. Ginny. Seems that she can't get rid of the sixth year.

"Why did you do it?" The fiery redhead asked.

Vena didn't look up from her meal, and shoved a spoonful of oatmeal in her mouth. She ate, took a sip of her apple juice, and wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

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