Twenty Nine

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-Daddy Issues-

-go ahead and cry little girl-

-nobody does it like you do-

Vena was anxious to go back to Hogwarts. She knew that once she came back, she would have to spend the whole year helping Draco with the vanishing cabinet and create a plan to kill Dumbledore.

It didn't help that she didn't have much of a support system anymore. Harry had never responded to her letter that she sent on his birthday, rightfully so. In Vena's opinion, her letter was a load of bullocks.

She also ignored the multiple letters that Stella had sent her, and even told Blaise and Theo to fuck off. She didn't want to drag them into her family mess.

They were lucky; they didn't have a target on their backs like Vena and Draco. They didn't have the so-called privilege of having the Dark Lord live in their Manor.

Draco felt the same. He didn't respond to Blaise, Theo, or Pansy, and Vena saw Stella's letter in his rubbish bin, unread. It seemed that both twins were eager for isolation this year.

Vena also followed her brother's footsteps and decided to not play Quidditch this year. Partially because she wanted to devote her time in helping her brother, and partially because she had a feeling that Harry was captain this year, and she had no clue where they stood.

Where did they stand, exactly? How do you describe someone that you have almost kissed twice, ignored their letters the whole summer, while collectively pining over them?

The twins had gotten on the train early that morning; they wanted to avoid the stares that other students and families would ultimately give them, and they wanted to avoid their friends.

They sat themselves in a different compartment this time, one that was more open and spacious so their friends wouldn't ask them questions. Draco and Vena both knew that they couldn't avoid their friends forever, but they could damn well try and not answer their questions.

So that's where they were. In a compartment that usually holds the younger Slytherins, in the back of the train. And when Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle sat in the seats next to them, they weren't surprised.

But when Pansy had found them and sat herself next to Vena, did the twins struggle to hide their annoyance. It was going to be a very long trip.

Pansy kept glancing over at Draco, which he elected to ignore. Vena could hear Blaise and Theo talk about Quidditch, while Crabbe and Goyle grunted every few minutes.

Vena could tell that Pansy wanted to say something, as she kept squirming in her seat. Vena wished Pansy was with her other friends. If she didn't feel like talking to her actual friends over the summer, she certainly didn't feel like talking to Pansy.

Her owl, Aphrodite, hooted in annoyance at being neglected. She was a very, moody owl. The girl knew that Aphrodite was mad at her for not sending that many letters over the summer, which meant that the owl didn't get to fly her wings as much as she usually did.

Knowing that Aphrodite was in use of some attention, and hoping to distract herself from Pansy fawning over Draco, she walked over to where her bag was, which was right above Goyle's head.

As she was reaching to go inside her bag for some owl treats, the compartment was filled with darkness.

Vena, startled at the lack of light, stumbled, and landed on someone's lap. When the darkness cleared up, she realized that she had sat herself onto Theo's lap, who was smirking.

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