Forty One

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-Like Real People Do-

-honey just put your sweet lips on my lips-

-we should just kiss like real people do-

January came and went, and suddenly, it was the middle of February. Draco was still coming to terms that Vena would possibly die at the end of term if he didn't manage to kill Dumbledore. And despite her words of comfort, he saw himself as a coward.

Dumbledore didn't die after Christmas like the two had thought, and Draco had given up all hope that he could kill Dumbledore in any other way except for the killing curse. He knew it was the only choice.

The twins were on edge today, but for two completely different reasons. Draco had seen Stella in the corridor that morning, getting extremely close to Michael Corner.

To be honest, when Draco had told her this, Vena wasn't really surprised. She knew that Stella had been waiting for the right person, and since fourth year, that person was Draco.

But he was an arse, and Vena became closed off and distant, and suddenly, Draco wasn't the target of her affection. But for it to be Michael Corner of all people, had to of been insulting to Draco.

Michael Corner is never seen without a girlfriend. It's like he can't live without one. He bounces from one girl to the next, without any recovery time. And although Ginny was the one to break up with him, he started dating Cho two weeks later.

Needless to say, Vena doesn't think that Stella and Michael will last.

But Draco doesn't have the common sense like Vena does. He doesn't see the logic behind Stella and Michael, and was in an extremely bad mood because of it.

He and Vena had only worked on the cabinet for two hours, before both parties got too irritated with each other.

Vena was not in the mood to work on the cabinet today. She simply didn't have the patience for it. It was Valentine's day, and Harry and Vena couldn't hang out together like they wanted.

Instead, Vena was working on the bloody cabinet while Harry did whatever he does in his free time.

The twins had ended their session early for the day, which meant it was only just after lunch, and not nearing dinnertime like how they usually end.

The twins had split up, Draco heading to the Slytherin dorms to blow off some steam, and Vena went in the opposite direction to the Gryffindor Tower.

She went to her dormitory, and grabbed some homework to work on in the library, so she could waste some time until it was night and she could be with Harry.

As she walked down the stairs, so did Harry. He was carrying that book again, the Advanced Potions one. Vena had no idea why he was so obsessed with it.

"Hey," she panted, unsure why she was so breathless all of a sudden.

He grinned at her. "Hi."

"Happy Valentine's day," she said, blushing at him.

Harry had that look in his eyes again, the one that Vena loves. "Happy Valentine's day, darling."

He looked around the common room, and found no one around them. He smiled as he turned back to face her, tilted his head, and kissed her.

Vena knew that she had much more experience than him despite her only dating one person, but Merlin was he good at kissing.

It's not like Theo was bad, it's just that kissing someone you fancy is much more pleasant.

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