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"the last straw"

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"the last straw"

tw - attempted suicide

its not hollis yall. 

O.W.L.'s preparation was getting more intense by the day. Marlene, Lily, and Hollis had fallen asleep over their breakfast because of how late they had stayed up doing Defense Against the Dark Arts homework, and the rest of the Gryffindors were highly enjoying the scene.

Lily's usually smooth red hair was tangled, and it was draped partly over Hollis's face. Hollis's hand was still loosely gripped around her silver fork, which was attached to a waiting golden roasted potato. Marlene was on Hollis's left, and her toast was currently being used as a pillow. All three of them had bags under their eyes and were completely relying on each other's weight not to fall off the bench.

"Do you think we should wake them up?" asked Peter, shoving a sausage patty in his mouth.

Remus looked at Hollis. She looked oddly peaceful for being sitting up while asleep, a sign of just how exhausted they were.

"Nah, I think they're going to kill us if we do," Sirius said wisely.

James nodded his head feverishly, agreeing. He had woken up Lily once in his third year, and he ended up with a fractured jaw from her alarm at seeing his face right above her.

"But," said Sirius grinning with one side of his mouth. Remus groaned, that look was not good. "We could try to beat Hollis's record."

James and Peter's faces split into grins. Hollis had the record among the five of them of how many objects she stacked on a sleeping person before the hodgepodge fell over. On a hungover Sirius Black, Hollis had placed eight pillows, a wooden stool she stole from the spare Transfiguration room, a cauldron full of experimented on butterbeer, Peter's dinner plate, an equally hungover Marlene, and nine full cartons of Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans.

"I dunno, I think they might wake up," observed Remus, scooping a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

Marlene let out a loud snore.

"On second thought, maybe not," said Remus, standing up. He nodded his head with mock seriousness at his three best friends. "Let's do this, boys."

Hollis felt an odd amount of pressure on her back, half asleep across the Gryffindor table. Her dark eyes fluttered open, partly obscured by red strands. A huge circle was around her, Marlene, and Lily. Hollis sat all the way up in confusion, making her head spin. Several loud crashes startled up Marlene and Lily as well. Lily's eyes were wide and alarmed, and Marlene was brushing brown crumbs off her cheek. Hollis turned around to see a splintered chair, Sirius, shards of glass from goblets, a white splatter of milk, and several pairs of shoes scattered across the table and stone floor.

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