62 - "SILENCE"

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tw - abuse

Over Christmas break, when Hollis had returned to Rosier Manor, she had been immediately sent up to her room. While she had laid down in her bed for hours and looked outside to the sprawling patchwork of green that was the pine trees of Lolchant, she had assumed that her parents were discussing what to do about her. It had been a few stolen moments of peace enjoyed, the eye of the hurricane before the violent storm swept in. 

No such time was given as the Rosiers apparated into the elegant foyer of their manor with a loud crack.

Before Hollis could gather her bearings of high, painted ceilings and black marble floors, she was on the ground. It took her a few moments to realize that she had been slapped viciously across the face, the breath knocked out of her. Tiny black dots danced slowly in her vision, a morbidly reversed night sky as the cold marble floor pressed against her cheek, chilling her entire face. Gritting her teeth and squinting her eyes shut, she placed a flat hand against the hard floor and boosted herself back on her feet with a surprising amount of grace.

Slowly dragging a thumb across her bottom lip where a trickle of blood had gathered, Hollis was remarkably calm.

"Glad to have gotten that out of your system, are you?"

Evan flinched backwards slightly as Hollis hit the floor again. It was reflex, not sympathy, but it was enough for him to leave the room as quickly as possible. Neither parent noticed their son's departure, too focused on the satisfaction of the state their daughter was in. 

This time, she had landed flat on her back. It felt like the air had been taken directly from her lungs, snatched by an invisible, cruel shadow. Squeezing her eyelids shut, her gasp for air mingled with a cracking sob. The sound penetrated the silent room like a knife, filling the empty space with an aura of tremendous pain. 

There wasn't enough time to take another breath before swarms of light replaced the small specks, everything, the floor, the ceiling, her parents, leaving her besides the pain. She was alone in a world of hurt, shooting pain filling her up with suddenly sharpened senses that she wished would dull back down to that throbbing numbness. 

Standing over their daughter, Mulstone and Vindia Rosier had not the tiniest allusion of mercy etched over their pointed features. All of the shame they felt of having her as a daughter was condensed into violence.

"Get up," spat Vindia coldly without a shred of remorse in her voice. "Now." 

I can't, thought Hollis desperately. I can't, please don't make me.

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