𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛.

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When Hollis walked into Dumbledore's main office, it was obvious that she was late and the meeting had already started. All heads turned to her as she shut the heavy oak door as quietly as possible, and Dumbledore stopped talking. Remus and James no longer looked suspicious, they knew that Hollis hadn't gone to the astronomy tower.

Hollis was surprised with herself that she had almost forgotten something as important as getting the mark before the meeting. Yet she knew it was because it made everything so much easier for the snake and skull to be removed from her skin. It was a subconscious decision to forget, but Regulus had to make the unfortunate snap back to what they were doing here.

"Excuse me and Miss Rosier, we will resume in a moment," Dumbledore said calmly to the twenty or so gathered. "Enjoy yourselves for a moment."

As Hollis cut through the room, a hand gently touched her forearm. Lily was looking back at her with concerned light green eyes.

"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked in a gentle voice. "I saw your neck."

Who hadn't? thought Hollis sourly.

"Yea, we just have to make sure of something privately for a bit," Hollis reassured, nodding at the concerned ginger. 

Lily nodded, and Hollis continued to climb up the stairs to Dumbledore's private room.

"Your peers seemed to be a bit worried," Dumbledore said as he sat down at the high backed chair behind his desk. 

"Yea, well they have a reason," Hollis snapped.

Dumbledore raised his bushy white eyebrows at his student's aggressive tone.

"Merlin, sorry," Hollis muttered, running a hand down her face. "You can imagine this is a bit stressful."

Dumbledore nodded wisely.

"Yes, I certainly can," he replied. "Now, tell me whatever would be useful."

Hollis took in a deep breath and momentarily shut her eyes. It was hard to describe something she so actively hated.

"Well, a few students here were assigned minor missions," Hollis said to a surprised Dumbledore. "Test sort of things, to see who would be useful once we graduate. I would say nothing too serious, but with Voldemort, even the most cruel things seem minor to him."

Nodding once again, Dumbledore took a quill from the cup on his desk.

"May I ask who?"

This was the bit that Hollis regretted saying the most. She knew that they were all just teenagers, thrown into this without much of a say or fear of punishment if they didn't do what they were supposed to do. Some of these people might act like they wanted to be a Death Eater but just secretly be really, really scared. 

In the end, though, they could end up really hurting someone. And Hollis wasn't about to risk that.

"I know Bellatrix took an assignment having to do with something in Hogsmeade," Hollis said. "So maybe block her privileges in a-"

"Discreet way," Dumbledore finished, jotting something down with his quill. "You are cleverer than you give yourself credit for."

Hollis felt a bit of color rise in her cheeks at having the headmaster compliment her wit, but quickly tried to drain in out.

"Thank you, professor," Hollis said with a small smile. "And then Lucius did as well, and maybe a bit more than he can chew. He kept glancing over at his parents like he was just trying to impress them. All I know is that it concerns one of our professors and that it's nothing good."

Dumbledore added something to the parchment.

"And the last one," Hollis said rubbing her eyes. "Evans."

Dumbledore looked up with surprise. 

"Your brother?"

So you better hurry up if you don't want them to be pissed off. Especially after how damn idiotic you acted in front of the Blacks last time.


"I don't like to call him that," Hollis replied sharply. "There is no love or compassion there. Or ever was."

Dumbledore looked a bit forlorn at this statement, but know the world Hollis lived in outside of Hogwarts.

"But you would still, per se, 'tell on him?'" Dumbledore asked his student curiously.

Hollis was starting to get a bit annoyed at how this was on the point. She didn't give a shit what she gave away about Evans. That boy was the one who had written home dozens of letters about Hollis's disappointing behavior at Hogwarts. All out of wanting to save his own reputation.

"With all due respect, professor, I wouldn't have signed up for this if I knew you were going to try and find out my motives any more than necessary to trust me," said Hollis with gritted teeth. 

Hollis Rosier was one of the few students that could get under Dumbledore's usually calm skin.

"Very well," he said, trying to keep his voice level. "And what would he be doing?"

"All I could manage to get was that it was something very commonly done in the Ministry by other Death Eaters," Hollis said. "So like a trial run for him when he graduates for something they already do quite frequently."

Dumbledore frowned, he was almost confident he knew which practice Hollis was talking about. But to ask a mere seventeen year old to do so seemed like such a burden that should not be placed. Then again, that teenager had also made the decision to become a Death Eater in the first place.

"Moving away from students," Hollis continued, noticing Dumbledore's silence. "You know that muggle bookstore that sells lots of novels about witches and wizards a few miles or so away from Hogsmeade?"

The old man's frown deepened as he nodded.

"Well, it's usually pretty busy. And Voldemort found it as a good time to scare muggleborns even further," Hollis said with a slightly disturbed voice. "So if you place some people in there, you should be able to save dozens of lives."

Hollis propped up her elbows on the table and held her forehead in one of her hands. 

"What you're doing here is a very brave thing, Miss Rosier," Dumbledore said softly. "Saving lives is no easy task. And I know how much you have to lose if your peers were to find out about your tattoo."

How comforting, Hollis thought, but she knew the headmaster was just trying to help. 

"Am I wrong to say that we're kind of the anti Death Eaters here?" Hollis asked, looking back up at Dumbledore.

He shook his head, making his long white beard sway slightly.

"No, I would say that's rather accurate," he replied. "Why?"

Hollis bit her inner cheek in thought.

"Well then shouldn't we have a name besides DADA club?" she asked. "Like a real name, because this war is very real."

"Yes, I believe an official name would be in store, Miss Rosier," Dumbledore replied in a hoarse voice that mildly sounded like a frog. "What would you suggest?"

Hollis thought about this for a moment.

"Something that's the opposite of Death," Hollis said firmly. "Something that symbolizes hope, something people can look to and know that we still have a fighting chance."

Both of their eyes fell on Fawkes.

idk all their assignments might be important maybe u should pay attention to those idk tho you didn't hear anything from me

hollis's brothers - james, sirius, peter (not evans)

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