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"an unnecessary burden"

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"an unnecessary burden"

If the fifth year had thought that Defense Against the Dark Arts class was hard before O.W.L. preparation, it was nothing compared to what Kegeckle was throwing at them now. After over an hour of practicing a defensive fire spell, Lacarnum Inflamari, Hollis, Narcissa, Lily, and Sirius were the only students who had managed to destroy the cloak that the metal dummy in the center of the room wore.

"This is such bullshit," muttered Theodore sourly to Lucius, who nodded.

"When are we ever going to need this?" he grumbled back, crossing his arms over his chest.

Lupin rolled his eyes at the whine. "Don't be cross just because you can't do it, Malfoy," Remus said softly, but all the students around them still laughed. 

Nott slowly turned towards Remus. "Fuck off," he said loudly, making a scene as much as possible. "Neither can you." 

"Yea, but I'm not whining about it, am I?" Lupin asked, smiling slightly. 

Hollis turned from where she was helping Marlene. She and Remus hadn't spoken since their argument a few nights ago despite James's constant pushes to do so. Both of them were embarrassed, and hadn't yet been forced into the circumstances where they had to interact with one another.

"It's just a spell," Lily said, glancing nervously between the two of them. She didn't think one would actually harm the other, but with the tension building between them lately, no one could be sure of that any longer. "Is this really how you're going to spend the one time Kegeckle uses the restroom in class? Are you that immature?"

James glanced at Lily, realizing she was right.

"You're lucky that we listen to them," James said to Malfoy and Nott, grabbing Remus's shoulder and steering him back to his desk, Theodore still watching carefully. "Otherwise you'd be the next one we test the hex on instead of that dummy."

Hollis forced herself to look down at the essay she was getting ahead on. She didn't always have to get involved with the conflict. 

"Quidditch match on Saturday between Slytherin and Gryffindor, Lupin," Theodore called out Remus, who was now sitting on top of his desk.

Remus raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to one side.


Theodore began to smirk, and he glanced at Hollis for a split second. He frowned slightly when he realized she didn't seem to be paying attention to the argument at all, but pushed his smirk back on to look at Lupin.

"All I'm saying is that you might want to watch out for your friend here if you keep messing with us," Nott said, walking over to where Remus was sitting.

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now