𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑤𝑜.

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James, Sirius, and Remus were falling. 

It was only for a few moments.

But with every one of those moments, they got farther and farther away from Hollis.

None of them screamed, there was no point to do so for themselves.

And when the Gryffindors hit the ground, the snow made them feel like they had fallen on a pillow. 

It wasn't fair, none of it was. They weren't in any pain. 

Hollis was in so much.

Remus scrambled up as quickly as he physically could, desperate to get back to Hollis and get her the hell out of there. With every step he took closer in the snow, though, he felt the hopelessness surging through him. 

When he reached the wall, all he could do was press his palms against the wall and look up at the open window above them.

She was so close, yet he coulnd't get to her anymore.

"She did it," Remus said, his voice choked with tears as he turned back to where James and Sirius were both just sitting with their heads buried in their knees. "We've seen what she can do, she knew and she did it."

 James and Sirius could barely hear Remus over the thundering memory of that summer night coming back like it was only yesterday. All three of them tilted their heads back up to the window and realized that they could no longer hear anything that was going on.

"Do we go back in?" Sirius asked with a tearful voice, turning to the other two boys just sitting in the snow. "Like you said, she obviously doesn't want us to. She thought that we were gone."

Desperation was a force that drove people mad. All caution was thrown aside, and all one's thoughts could think of were what to do to have control again. 

The three boys were all in this state.

"We have to go back in" Remus said, his voice raw and determined and terrified. "They're torturing her, and all of it's my fucking fault. We have to go get her out of there."

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

The Severing Charm seemed to have gotten all of Mulstone's anger out, and he left the room slamming the door so hard the walls themselves seemed to shake. 

Which left Hollis leaned up against her windowseat, blood, hot and sticky and metallic blood, trickling from the side of her neck and soaking her skin. Just like the scar on her collarbone, thankfully, the cut had been one that was shallow.

The cut being shallow didn't mean that Hollis wasn't in so much pain with so much crimson liquid let loose that she wanted to scream.

But now that Hollis knew that Remus, James, and Sirius were still here, she had more important matters on her hands.

If they had still been on the windowsill, they would have come in by now. So that part, she knew was successful. But there was nothing from preventing them from getting in any further. And while Hollis knew that her parents wouldn't kill her yet, they would wipe the three Gryffindors off the face of the earth with neither a shred of remorse or mercy.

With the smallest voice she could muster, Hollis let out a trembling whisper.


Right at her call, Monty appeared in the room next to Hollis with terrified eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Mistress Appoline, Monty did not think your father would find out if she let in the boys, but they seemed like they wanted to see you so badly, and-"

Hollis cut off Monty with a gentle raise of her arm and soft smile despite the pain she was in.

"Hush, Monty, I don't care," Hollis reassured. "You did the right thing, I'm not mad."

The glassiness of her grey eyes cleared up.

"But I need you to do something else for me," Hollis said with a firm tone. "Can you put up a protective barrier so that no one can get in?"

Monty nodded, but seemed unsure.

"House elfs have very powerful magic, but we are often abused into not using it. If Master Mulstone found out, then-"

Hollis stopped Monty again.

"It doesn't matter if one of us orders you to do it, does it?" Hollis asked Monty, who smiled a tiny bit.

"I suppose not, mistress," Monty said sheepishly.

With a snap of the house elf's fingers, a tiny bit of a distortion in the air rippled and then flew out of Hollis's window, no doubt to surround the manor.

Hollis let out a sigh of relief, they were safe now. There was no way they could further endanger themselves by getting in. Now she could get a little bit of help for herself, hopefully.

"Monty, I know I usually don't ask this much of you, but is there anything you could do about my cut?" Hollis asked, and this time a sob pierced through her voice. "I know you can't heal it all the way without it being too suspicious, but it really hurts."

Taking a deep breath in, Monty shut her eyes and placed a hand over Hollis's neck.

The contact stung so bad that Hollis had to bite down on her tongue to keep from crying out. But then, after the initial pain, Hollis watched as all the blood slowly began to melt away. It seemed to dissolve from her sweatshirt, off her skin. It made her body feel clean again, the soft cotton gently touching her collarbone now. 

The more and more it disappeared, the less it simply dissolved and the more it went in a sort of time warped reverse motion back into Hollis's cut. She watched as it became less and less noticeable until she held up a hand for Monty to stop. If the house elf did any more, it would become obvious she had helped Hollis. And that wouldn't go over well.

There were now layers of skin stretching over the cut, ones that would have normally taken weeks and weeks to form. The throbbing or sting didn't go away fully, but now Hollis was sure that she could actually move. And she wouldn't have to go through the process of cleaning up the blood, which was often excruciating.

Hollis turned to Monty with a soft smile.

"Thank you, I don't know how I could ever repay you," Hollis told the little house elf who seemed to be still very guilt wrought. "You've done so many good things tonight."

To Hollis's surprise, Monty wrapped her long, thin arms around her loosely. Hollis shut her eyes and hugged the house elf back to the best of her ability.

"There is no master or mistress Monty had ever had the greater pleasure to serve."

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

Remus, James, and Sirius were about to put their feet back on the first sculpture to begin the climb back up when and invisible force felt like it had punch them in the stomach and sent them flying backwards. 

All three of them were sent flying backwards into the snow, landing with a grunt of pain. Remus was the first to get back up, brushing the snow off his back and staring at the seemingly harmless air in front of him. 

"What the-" Sirius muttered, extending his hand to James to pull the boy back up as well. 

James narrowed his eyes.

"Why can't we get back in?"

Remus took another step towards the manor with his hand out. This time he was braced for the impact when he got within a few yards of the manor that repelled him away like a mere fly.

"There's a protective enchantment," Remus told the other boys who had just come to a similar conclusion with all the blood drained from their faces. "We can't get in."

We can't help her.

monty is the love of my life

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BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang