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song of the chapter - "blood // water" by grandson

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song of the chapter - "blood // water" by grandson

"a bloody good fake"

After Voldemort exited the ballroom sinisterly, there were instantly several swarms of motion of parents proudly rushing towards their children, many of the pureblood teenagers with haughty, arrogant looks on their faces at the new tattoos on their forearms. In the rush of black and dark green fabrics, not a single person noticed the two Slytherins artfully sliding out of the ballroom, two silent shadows.

Ducking down behind a vase nearly as tall as her, Hollis lifted up the bottom of her dress and slid off her dark green heels. With a careful toss as not to make any noise, the shoes landed on a small rug with dragons embroidered on it. Regulus followed suit, and they abandoned the shoes with haste. The marble floor felt like ice under Hollis's feet, piercing through her soles. Right behind her, Regulus was unintentionally sliding slightly with his black socks.

Both of them felt the unusual tension between them, but at the moment they needed to find a place to safely talk before either said anything. Neither of them had verbally communicated that they needed to talk or leave the ballroom at all, but this sort of thing passed unspoken.

Quietly poking her head around the corner, Hollis buried her fingers in the seemingly infinite folds of her dark blue gown and lifted them up so that she could jog without tripping.

Yea, so she's really good at sneaking around manors in ball gowns, thought Regulus as he had to almost break into a full run to keep up with the short girl in front of him. Let's just add that to our pureblood trauma list. 

Finally, Hollis swung open the library doors and they entered the enormous room. The ceilings were three floors high with a mural painted at the top. Every single volume had a black spine with gold lettering. Even though Regulus had never been in this room of Rosier Manor before, he knew that this was no ordinary library.

Regulus frowned slightly as he ran his hands along a few of the volumes.

Secrets of the Darkest Art, by Owle Bullock, read one. The thick book right next to it was Magick Moste Evil, a text that had an infamous reputation among dark wizards.

This was a library of the Dark Arts.

A sudden thud made Regulus whip his head around to where Hollis was standing. There was a large piece of wood gripped tightly in her hands that had been part of a bookshelf a few seconds ago. Letting out a slight huff at the effort it had taken her to rip apart the shelf, Hollis shoved the sturdy plank through the loops of the handles to get into the library.

He raised an eyebrow; he definitely would not have thought of that to keep the huge room secure.

"Nice one," Regulus said with a slight smile, turning away from the securely shut doors and towards Hollis.

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