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"gryffindor red"

Hollis's gown felt like a cage.

With not even as much as a "Happy Christmas," her mother had laid down the dress at eight that night on her bed with fourteen words "Put it on. I swear to Salazar, if you misbehave you will regret it."

Fourteen words to her daughter in fourteen days, Hollis thought with an unsurprised sigh.

It had taken Hollis just under an hour to make herself what her parents would deem "presentable."

Her curly hair had been pulled back into an intricate, detailed bun with silver worked into the braids. 

Black hair met white fabric with a stark contrast, the dress itself having a v neckline that dipped to show just enough for a proper event. Platinum skirts went all the way to her feet after exploding out at her waistline, a silver necklace with a tiny dragon to match hanging around her neck, to make her new bracelet blend in more.

To most people, Hollis would have looked absolutely beautiful.

But as she looked in the mirror, Hollis hated who stared back at her. It was an obedient, proper young lady who would do whatever was asked of her. A girl who was afraid. And while Hollis was many things, a coward was not one of them. 

She took in a deep breath, concentrating. Minor magic like this couldn't be tracked as underage, unlawful use with the technology they had now. 

She smiled at her reflection.

Much better.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

Regulus was standing next to Theodore, Lucius, and Roldolphus on the left side of the Rosier's huge ballroom.

The marble ceilings were incredibly high, black diamond chandeliers hanging from them by silver chains. Huge stone pillars were lined along all sides of the room, supporting the ceilings. The wardrobes of everyone consisted of only oriental grey, black, and white with an occasional dark green thrown in.

The ball felt like a darkly glamourous Death Eater convention, no matter what it was called.

"Hollis is coming, no?" asked Lucius, taking a sip of blood red liquid that was either wine or cranberry juice, Regulus couldn't decide.

"Obviously, dumbass," Roldolphus muttered, taking a long sip of what was definitely wine. "It's her house."

At first, when Hollis had been introduced to him, Regulus had treated her just as badly as the other boys. Well, not as badly as Theodore. No one did that. 

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now