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"a smashed bottle of pumpkin juice"

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"a smashed bottle of pumpkin juice"

In the early days of November, Hollis mainly just slept. Pomfrey had her taking a dozen potions a day, along with rolls upon rolls of white bandages being discarded after being quickly soaked through once wrapped around her calf for a few hours. Remus had prolonged his stay in the hospital wing for as long as possible before Pomfrey kicked him out on the second, while James and Sirius only last a day before Pomfrey realized they were just being overdramatic. The only ones left in the hospital wing now were Hollis and Regulus. The seventh-year boy would get out on the third, one day before Hollis.

The two Slytherins spent most of the time they weren't sleeping talking.

Just after dinner on November third, they were having a particularly deep conversation.

After Remus had left, Madam Pomfrey had moved Regulus over to the bed where the Gryffindor had been to condense her patients. They were both currently lying with their backs flat on the stiff mattresses and looking straight up at the towering, carved stone ceiling above them. Hollis had gotten Remus to find her his Gryffindor sweatshirt and was currently drowning in it, while Regulus was wearing a light blue tank top and grey sweater over it that the hospital wing had provided.

"I just don't think that anyone, even your brother, would ever really get it, you know?" Hollis asked, tracing the ceiling's intricate patterns with her arm extended above her. "Because I think Sirius left Grimmauld Place just before things started to get," she trailed off for a moment. "Before things started to get really bad."

Regulus smiled sourly.

"You mean my snake of a brother managed to worm his way out of all this pureblood bullshit before they started to recruit Death Eaters and started making arranged marriages official?" Regulus specified with a biting tone.

There was a small pause as Hollis thought about how he had put this.

"Well, if you say it like that," she muttered. "And what is with you and Sirius calling each other snakes?"

Unseen to Hollis, Regulus raised both eyebrows while an echo of a smile formed on his face.

"He called me a snake?" Regulus asked, curious.

Hollis cringed a little bit, but confirmed what she had said.

"Yea, he has on multiple occasions. It's a bit odd, you two use a lot of the same insults," she smiled. "And am I wrong that your brother is the one who taught you how to braid?"

Two thoughts shot through Regulus's head.

How the bloody hell did she figure that one out as well?

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now