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"almost there"

He hadn't been able to get a wink of sleep on August thirty first. The anticipation of seeing her in the morning was too much of an incentive to stay awake, tossing and turning and giving up before starting to read, glancing up at the clock every few seconds. 

It had been ninety two days since Remus had seen Hollis.

Three months without talking to her, kissing her, making her laugh.

The worst part about all of it was that during the summer, anything could have happened to Hollis that he didn't know about. Remus genuinely had no idea what state she would be in when he found her at  the train station. She could be completely unharmed physically but tortured mentally, or the opposite. Or both. And then there was also the dark, sinister place in the deepest parts of his mind that dug into his worst fears.

That Hollis wouldn't be at the station at all.

Trying to push that petrifying thought out of his head, Remus double-checked his trunk for everything he had brought home over the summer holiday. Sorting through a dozen sweaters, t-shirts, and pairs of socks, a small lump in the pocket of a pair of black pants made Remus stop counting to make sure he had everything. Opening up the pocket with one hand and reaching into it with the other, he pulled out the little wad.

It was a small pastel pink and light green wrapper crinkled into a small ball, the exact wrapper of those petite watermelon candies that Hollis loved so much. Focusing slightly, Remus tried to remember how this had ended up in his pocket. After a few moments, the memory came back to him in a sudden rush.

The time of year was at the very beginning of May, just when the air had begun to turn warm and grass strikingly green. Hollis and Remus had been taking a walk around the black lake after sitting down in a double History of Magic with the mind-numbing Professor Binns, feeling the need to stretch both their minds and legs. She had reached into his bag in search of chocolate, but was happily surprised when she found the tiny green sweet resting in her palm instead.

"Been carrying these around for me now, have you?" Hollis had asked with a blissful smile as she bit into the soft candy.

He still remembered the way the sun had caught on her eyelashes. Why the hell do I turn into a damn poet when it comes to her? he thought, holding the wrapper tighter.

"You're going to make every single student at this school fat, Lupin," Hollis smiled as she dove her hand back into his bag. "What other sweets have you go in here?"

And then, to Remus's surprise, she had pulled out a small piece of parchment he had nearly forgotten about, that page of her journal he had found a few months before Christmas. Remus distinctly recalled how her tone had changed from joking to one that was soft and slightly flustered.

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now