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song of the chapter - "the beach" by the neighborhood

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song of the chapter - "the beach" by the neighborhood

"we're running out of time"

I personally don't believe in the idea that a person can truly care for another without understanding their past. When you delve into the past events of a person's life, the most beautiful and ugly parts of them are revealed in the ways you least expect. Without this unique perspective, holes and tunnels of confusion and doubt can begin to form deep within the mind. Even if not obvious at the time, cracks splitting into the soul are easily filled with hatred and jealously. Soon enough, the past was a way of unveiling its secrets whether one wants it to or not.

Hollis shut the book with an embossed teal cover, Hidden Things; A Study of the Mind and Its Most Deep Functions, with a feeling that the scenario was eerily familiar.

She had been pouring over textbooks focused on the way a mind works the entire afternoon. It was both comforting alarming to read the combined knowledge that wizards and muggles had gathered on the deepest emotional ripple effects. Something about having that arsenal of understanding made Hollis feel like she could have more control over her own mind.

Which, lately, had been slightly slipping.

Not that Hollis was going mad, just that there were about a dozen precariously placed pieces of her balancing act that were threatening to slip at any second. 

Remus. O.W.L.s. Marauders Map. Quidditch. Marlene and Lily. Studies.

And a few nights that had left her with the taste of chocolate on her tongue for hours.

Well, you're going to be relieved from it sooner than later, she thought bitterly. You can't be worried about all of these things. You should be grateful for them while they last, because soon, it's all going to get snatched away. You may be stressed, but at least you have freedom. At least you have your friends, Remus.

Hollis rubbed her eyes with one palm, gently running her free fingers along the elegant chain on her neck. She exhaled heavily, pressing the crown of her head against the nearest shelf and shutting her eyes.

She was about to drift off before rushed, scared footsteps turned around the corner. Regulus was standing there, bags underneath his heavy eyes.

"Bellatrix is betrothed to Roldolphus, the Lestranges just sent the letter this morning," he said hurriedly, not waiting long for her to open her eyes. "Dark Lord's orders. I- we're running out of time, Hol."

Rosier's voice was barely a whisper.

"She's just sixteen."

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now