66 - "HUNGRY"

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tw: some pretty vivid hunger pains

If you had told Hollis how hungry James and Sirius were after not eating for a few hours, she would have laughed. Actually, she would try to laugh and it would come out in a cough adulterated slightly with metallic tasting blood.

It had been three weeks since Hollis had talked to anyone, and the day at Grimmauld Place with Regulus felt like years ago. During the first days of isolation, she had mindlessly wandered the sprawling corridors of Rosier Manor for hours at a time. There was something slightly maddening about how empty her footsteps sounded against the marble floors, but even the echoing of her own steps had made her feel less alone. 

The Rosiers had locked their kitchens. For the first hours after Hollis would normally have eaten diner after she got back from the Black's, she had assumed that Monty was just running behind on his cooking and that there was nothing wrong. However, as the hours crept on, it became clear that nothing was going to fill her stomach.

Peculiarly, even after hours of search, she could not find her parent's room. She had been there only a few times, but was certain that a room could not just disappear from a manor as if it was never there. That was before she had remembered a lesson in Charms in which they learned of how Confundus Charms could be placed around certain areas. This twisted, dark version of the spell made it how the enchanted area would cause the person approaching to lose their train of thought or purpose for coming to their previously desired location.

And with that charm and a few other measures taken, the Rosier had successfully added another layer of torment to Hollis's summer in what felt like an enormous Azkaban cell.

While at Hogwarts, an occasional soft rumble in her stomach would order Hollis to grab a stolen dinner roll from Peter's bag or sneak into the kitchens with Remus if she was desperate. The hunger had never gotten truly bad, Remus, in particular, making sure that she wouldn't skip meals while studying.

On more than one occasion, she had fallen asleep over textbooks and notes after an all nighter of studying with a quill still resting limply in her hand. She easily remembered how Remus had gently shaken her shoulders to wake her while holding a grilled cheese and glass of water in his other hand, refusing for her to put anything over her own health. That time seemed impossibly distant now.

After the stage of grumbling for hours and hours, Hollis's stomach had given up on the verbal pleas for food.

When Lily or Peter complained that they were starving during double potions, Hollis would usually laugh and agree with them to the point where Slughorn had once given them detention for eating three blueberry muffins each while chopping dung beetle shells.

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