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After four days of vigorous studying and a combined total of ten hours of sleep, it was finally the last day of examinations for the exhausted fifth years. Most of the students in the room still had their heads bent low over their papers, trying to finish the essay portion of their Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. It was completely silent except for the feverish scratching of quills and the occasional adjustment of parchment to give a cramped hand a new angle on writing. Sun was streaming through the large windows, shining chestnut and copper and gold onto the stone floors and mahogany desks.

"Five more minutes!" called Professor Flitwick, their exam monitor while Kegeckle was using the restroom.

Hollis and James synchronously put down their quill as began to re-read their essays. Realizing they had just made the exact same motion, they both grinned and looked at each other from their side-by-side desks. Yawning exaggeratedly and ruffling up his hair to make it look messier, James turned around to look at Sirius four seats behind him. Giving James a double thumbs-up, Sirius leaned back in his chair slightly. Hollis kicked up her black boots on the desk with her legs crossed and looked to the desk across from Sirius's where Remus was sitting. The auburn-haired boy set down his quill, simultaneously grinning and winking at Hollis, who teasingly wiggled her brows. Diagonal to Remus, Peter was anxiously biting his nails and moving his feet under his desk as he went over his sloppy answers with a frown.

"Times up!" exclaimed Flitwick, summoning all the rolls of paper with a flick of his wand. All of the combined weight of the papers caused the little man to fall down, and Lily helped him up from her seat in the front row.

The Marauders all cheered loudly as they stood up, making the majority of the other fifth years along with a few professors laugh. Joining each other at the enormous carved stone doorframe of the Great Hall, they began to walk to a sunny courtyard together with satisfied smiles places on their faces.

"Did you like question ten, Moony?" asked Sirius as they emerged into the entrance hall.

"Loved it," said Remus briskly, trying to suppress a grin to remain falsely serious. " 'Give the five signs that identify a werewolf.' Excellent question," he said, giving Hollis a quick kiss on the top of her forehead.

"D' you think you managed to get all the signs right?" said James in a tone of mock concern as he raised a dark eyebrow to Remus.

"Think I did," said Lupin solemnly as they joined the crowd thronging around the front doors eager to get out into the sunlit grounds. "One: He's sitting in my chair. Two: He's wearing my clothes. Three: His name's Remus Lupin..' "

Peter was the only one who didn't laugh.

"I got the snout shape, the pupils of the eyes, and the tufted tail," he said anxiously, "but I couldn't think what else-"

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now