55 - "STOLEN"

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Walking into the Great Hall with Marlene and Lily for breakfast, Hollis was met with many whispers and glares from all tables and years. Frowning slightly as she sat down next to Marlene, she repeatedly heard her name being whispered as students huddled around newspapers and conspiratorially talked about whatever had been printed off at the Daily Prophet's office earlier that morning.

"Oh for Merlin's sake," Hollis muttered, snatching today's issue of the paper from a horrified bunch of first year Gryffindors a few seats down from them.

Her stomach sank.

Head of the Department of Magical Transportation, Mulstone Rosier Passes a New Law Making it Illegal for Muggles to Use Floo Powder: Seen as a Profound Discrimination Against Muggleborns

"You've got to be fucking me," she whispered, disgusted, tone as she continued to read slowly sat onto the closest open bench.

Last night, April twenty-eighth, Head Rosier successfully created a new law stating that it is "a punishable crime for a muggle to use floo powder as a method of transportation." Seen as an undeniable prejudice against those of muggle or half blood descent, it is in high concern as to how this law was passed. As incidents of tampering at the Ministry increase, foul play is suspected.

When asked about his motivations for creating this law were questioned, this is how Head Rosier responded. 

"Here at the Ministry, it is our job to protect the wizarding community from both exposure and harm. After much deliberation, we have decided that these muggles could be the root of issues we have been having recently. By preventing them from further travelling into our world, we succeed in purifying our society and protecting it at the same time."

This blocking of transportation presents many problems.

To start, many students attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry rely on their parents, even if they are muggles, for help during the pre-school months. Without this easy access to places like Diagon Alley, many protests against this controversial law are sure to...

continued on page 18

Before Hollis could fully process her thoughts or turn to page eighteen, a group of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw sixth year boys walked over to where she was sitting with harsh, angry footsteps.

One that was particularly tall was tightly gripping the torn out, slightly crumpled article in his fist.

"I hope your family is happy now, Rosier," the light brown haired Hufflepuff spat, slamming down the paper in front of Hollis. "Now neither my mum nor my dad can see me right after we leave in May."

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