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"parting gifts"

Remus was having a dream made up of stacked memories.

Bellatrix is betrothed to Roldolphus, Hollis's scared whisper echoed in his head. Sixteen tends to be the age when our parents match us up to be married. That day by the lake when Remus realized the horrific plan that had been set out for her against her will.

The Rosiers are a very powerful family, Mr. Lupin. I'm afraid that we can't just investigate them without any proof. The four Gryffindors in McGonagall's office after they had seen the injury Hollis had been hiding for months.

Remus turned around in his bed quickly to try and escape the booming voices in his dream, making the sheets rustle violently and waking up James next to him.

I would rather die than let that happen to me, Hollis had told him, as if she had put a lot of thought into the matter. Stay away from our daughter, the threatening letter that both of its targets could never quite get rid of in the back of their minds.

"Remus, wake up!"

His eyes flying open, Lupin's dream ended as he saw Peter, James, and Sirius standing around his bed. His skin was slightly damp from sweat, and his eyes stung. Even though he was now awake, the memories and voices still thundered in his head like a persistent summer storm.

Catching his breath, he reached for the cup of water on top of a stack of books on his wooden bedside table.

"Nightmare?" Peter asked sympathetically, sitting down on the quilted foot of the bed.

Remus wished that it had been a nightmare.

Nightmares were made of events that hadn't really happened, which made the unlucky person experiencing them relieved that it wasn't true when they woke up. This dream, however, was made of entirely real times, times that made the fact that today was the day they were celebrating Hollis's sixteenth birthday become a bad rather than good thing. 

"It's nothing, I'm fine," Remus muttered, pulling a black t-shirt over his head.

James and Sirius exchanged an unbelieving glance as they slid on their shoes to head to their corner for breakfast, the previously agreed upon meeting spot on Hollis's birthday morning. She was the last of the Marauders to turn sixteen, and none of them intended for anything to change as they secretly feared it would.

However, intention is much less powerful than fate.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

After nearly an hour of trying to convince Regulus to give them the Slytherin password the following night, Lily and Marlene finally got it out of the reluctant boy.

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