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"happy birthday, moony!"

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"happy birthday, moony!"

One day after the Marauder's Map was created, it was Remus Lupin's sixteenth birthday. He woke up startled in the Gryffindor dorms on March tenth to Sirius, James, and Peter all huddled around his face.

"Happy birthday, Moony!" James exclaimed with a huge grin.

He grinned and rubbed his eyes as Black threw him a brown t-shirt from his bedside table.

"Put on a shirt, we're going to the Great Hall," Sirius instructed to a half asleep Remus.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

Hollis waited in the Great Hall, empty this early in the morning, sitting on the table while she waited for the Gryffindors. Bored, she pulled out the Map from her pocket, deftly unfolding the section that showed the corridor leading from the Gryffindor dorms to the Great Hall. Smiling, she watched as four pairs of tiny footsteps moved across the parchment towards the entrance to the Great Hall.

The Map's custody arrangement had been settled the previous night. Hollis would get it on the even days of the month, and the odds were split among the boys. The Marauders had decided that it was the most logical for Hollis to get the majority of the custody because she was most likely not to accidently set it on fire. However, there was a rule that if one Marauder requested the Map through the bracelets, then whoever was in possession of the Map at the moment would have to drop it off to them.

So it's basically like our child? Peter had asked. Perfect.

Jogging out to meet them, she shut the Map and put it back into her pocket.

"Happy birthday!" Hollis called out to Remus, who was in the process of pulling his shirt over his toned stomach as the other three boys dragged him towards the Great Hall.

She turned away slightly. Even after healing him with his shirt off so many times, Hollis never got quite used to it.

"We wanted to get you here early so that you could get something from the kitchens without having to try and sneak back there in front of half the school," Peter explained as they beelined towards the kitchen's metal door entrance.

Cutting their way behind the raised mahogany teacher's table, the Marauders pushed open the metal doors to the kitchens. The instant they stepped in, a dozen smells hit them, a complete olfactory overload of eggs, toast, marmalade, pumpkin bread. No matter how many times they snuck in here, the five troublemakers could never quite get used to the decadence of the food they could so easily pilfer.

A few minutes later with arms full of snacks, James led the way back to the library with the Map.

Hollis repeatedly teased him for already knowing the way, and Potter in turn repeatedly, yet gently, shoved her away when she tried to grab it from him, shouting in protest that it was an even day.

Remus watched her with a soft smile.

"I'm giving you my gift first," declared Sirius as they all sat down around their table. He pulled a small wooden box out of his pocket and handed it to Remus.

Remus curiously pulled out a small, circular metal object. It had many tiny switches and buttons, along with a part that could be clipped in and out.

Sirius looked at it sheepishly, confidence quickly gone now that his friend's reaction was on the line.

"We learned about them in Muggle Studies, it's like this thing they use to relieve stress and fidget with," Sirius explained. "Because you seem stressed a lot."

Hollis smiled, watching Lupin's amused yet grateful face as he flicked a switch up and down. James gave Remus a new notebook enchanted to define any word he wrote into it, and Peter a jumbo pack of sugar quills.

It was obvious that Remus was slightly uncomfortable receiving gifts, the exact opposite of Sirius. Hollis pulled out a flat, rectangular package that was around double the length of her hand wrapped in crinkled brown paper. She handed it to him, their hands briefly brushing.

Tearing open the paper, Remus smiled as he saw what Hollis had made for him.

It was a bookmark, but with many things layered onto it. Hollis had saved the chocolate wrapper he gave her, and that was the background. On top of it, there was a picture of the five of them at Hogsmeade that moved as they all laughed. Right above the picture, a small flower was flattened on the bookmark. It had five petals, each a slightly different color.

Remus thought it was beautiful.

"Because you like to read so much, and I thought making it more personal-" she started anxiously before he cut her off.

"Hollis, don't worry," Remus grinned. "I love it."

An interesting choice of words, Sirius thought.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

Hollis, Marlene, and Lily were getting ready for the second birthday party of the year together again. Remus hadn't wanted a large gathering, but Sirius and James had already planned it against his will. Marlene and Lily had swapped from the last time, Evans in blue while Mckinnon was in pink.

Hollis opened the stall door and looked in the floor length mirror.

The light purple dress hit several inches above her knees, with a loose skirt that swished up slightly whenever she moved. Just along her sides, there were cutouts in the shapes of diamonds that made her exposed skin get slight goosebumps.

This time, Lily made sure that Hollis was the one to straighten her hair and not Marlene. The three girls were giggling and jokingly knocking each other into the sinks with excitement.

If only they knew what the night had in store.

its a cheesy asf cliffhanger that i want to delete as im editing this but do igaf? no. rrs, yall get it.

1k words

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