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On January second in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class of 1976, the fifth years were all surprised to see the desks that usually sat in neat rows had been shoved against the walls to form a large space in the middle of the room. 

The windows were not draped like usual, midday sunlight shing through the tall glass. Hollis, Marlene, and Lily exchanged a confused glance as they went to set their bags down in a corner.

"What do you think's going on with the furniture change?" Marlene asked, gesturing to the empty wooden floor.

Lily's eyes landed on an antique, battered silver and mahogany wardrobe where Profesor Kegeckle's desk normally sat. It rattled ominously, making the floor vibrate slightly.

"Is that?" Hollis started as she walked towards the tarnished mirror slowly with furrowed eyebrows. "Is that a boggart in there?" 

Her fingers brushed against the rough wood lightly, making the wardrobe shake with doubled severity. She didn't flinch away at the increased movement, just stared back at it with a confused, curious expression.

"Ah, yes!" came Profesor Kegeckle's loud voice from behind the furniture.

She clapped her hands together with pride in her student as she emerged from behind the wood and metal furniture. Their newest professor was tall and sturdy like an oak tree, yet an incredibly kind witch behind her physically imposing demeanor. No professor had kept the Defense Against the Dark Arts position for longer than a year at the time that Hollis had attended Hogwarts, so Rosier was guessing Kegeckle wouldn't last long, either, no matter how much she liked her.

"Now, now, stop your chattering and stand in front of me!" she instructed, voice naturally booming. Kegeckle waved her hands like the Gryffindors and Slytherins before her were flies as they assembled. Hollis slid in between Marlene and Remus quickly, getting away from the front of the room.

Lupin looked down at her, smiling slightly to himself before turning to the back of the room.

"As Miss Rosier guessed correctly, there is indeed a boggart inside here," she said, giving the wood a hearty slap. "Five points to Slytherin."

Hollis grinned as Potter groaned from behind her.

"Fuck off, James," Hollis teased, and James jokingly wrapped an arm around her stomach.

Remus tensed up slightly, feeling that strange sensation in his chest when Regulus had grabbed her waist again.

"Enough flirting, you two," called Dorcas from across the room, making half the class laugh. Marlene bent down to retie her shoe, knowing that her smile was far too large for how funny the joke was.

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now