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"thin walls"

The chubby flying cupids delivering a letter from a secret admirer to Remus, Sirius, and James with the occasional one to Peter every few minutes in the Great Hall were getting annoying.

"I swear to Merlin, if one more of these invitations to go to Hogsmeade comes my way, I might just declare myself medically insane," Remus groaned as another letter delivered by an overly cheerful cherub bounced off his dark auburn hair and into his salad dressing with a small splash.

"Good problem to have," called Frank from across the table, looking at Alice sitting next to Amos Diggory at the Hufflepuff table longingly.

Remus sighed as he pulled the soggy parchment out of his bowl and set it down on a scarlet napkin.

"What if that one was from Hollis?" Sirius asked Remus as he eyed the smeared pink ink, half serious, half joking.

"I mean, no offense to you, mate," James interjected, pointing his fork full of heavily salted eggs Remus, "but Hol did just say that she didn't want to date anyone at the moment."

"And I never said that I wanted to date her," Remus quickly retaliated.

A little too quickly, thought James and Sirius simultaneously. We all know this kid has been thinking about dating her every waking moment. Probably sleeping, too- ugh, I hate my mind.

"Well, we already got all our classes over with," pointed out Peter.

It was true, they had taken double potions in the morning, but the teachers had let them loose for the rest of the holiday.

"Never too late," Peter finished, shoving a pink sugar cookie into his mouth the instant that he was done talking.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

"It's too late!" cried Lily, running a hand through the burned edges of her hair anxiously.

She, Marlene, and Hollis were all in the Gryffindor girl's bathroom together. Hollis had been helping them both get ready for their dates, no matter how much she disagreed with Lily's choice of partner and thought she should be going out with James instead. 

Unfortunately, Hollis had decided to use the restroom while Lily was doing her hair, and she had thrown open the stall door in panic when she smelled the unpleasant odor of burning hair filling the room. When Marlene had tried to put some light waves in Lily's hair, she had left the curler on for far too long, leaving the ends burned and frayed. 

"Marlene!" Lily exclaimed, holding up the dead ends close to the gold framed mirror and closely examining the damage.

Marlene was laughing apologetically.

"Your hair is so long, Lils, no one's gonna notice something as small as you cutting off an inch," Marlene reassured, and Hollis nodded. "I can just do it really fast-" Marlene started, but Lily and Hollis shouted "No!" at the exact same time.

Marlene sheepishly put the sterling silver scissors back down on the white and gold marble counter. "Yea, maybe that isn't the best idea," she muttered, picking the scissors back up and handing them to Hollis.

Taking the scissors and instructing Lily to sit down on the cushioned stool, Hollis took the tool from Marlene's hand. After a few minutes, Lily's long, dark red hair was brushed and trimmed like nothing had happened.

She hugged Hollis hurriedly and grabbed her small, white bag.

"You're a lifesaver Hols," Lily called out behind her as she hurriedly jogged out of the dorms to get to Hogsmeade with Gideon on time.

Marlene left to go with Sirius a few minutes later as well, and Hollis was left alone in the girl's bathroom.

Might as well just take a shower if I'm already in here, thought Hollis, swinging open one of the redwood stalls with her fingers around the handle.

Even after she was done getting clean, Hollis just let herself relax in the hot water for a few minutes. The castle was almost empty, so there was no other girl banging on the stall for her to hurry up like there would be normally if she took this time for herself. Hollis leaned her head against the stone wall, shutting her eyes. To her surprise, from this position, she could hear voices from the boy's bathroom on the other side of the wall.

The voices were loud, They must not know how thin the wall is, Hollis thought with a slight smile. She pressed her ear against the warm, damp stone.

"Gideon fucking Prewett!" came an annoyed shout from who must be James. "What does that git have that I don't?"

It was hard to keep from laughing, but if she could hear them, then her laugh would easily pierce through the stone as well.

"At this point, maybe Lily is looking for someone a bit more intelligent than you," Remus replied honestly. "Not that you aren't clever, but sometimes you lack any sort of common sense. At all. There's a difference between smarts and knowing what's not stupid, you know?"

"So you're saying I need to be more mature?" James asked. "I am so mature! I'm like, the maturest guy ever. Is that why she wants a sixth year? Someone older than her? I can't control my age!"

There was a pause where all Hollis could hear was trickling water against the floor under her feet. A slightly guilty feeling went through her chest. Maybe I shouldn't have been listening to them, she thought, drying off with a fluffy white towel and changing into her clothes.

The silver glint of their linked bracelets against the white light reminded her to slide the band on her wrist and not leave it there. As she wrapped her hands around the cool metal, Hollis thought to warn them that whoever was in the adjacent bathroom could hear what they were saying. 

It was only decency. That knowledge was harmless to her ears, but if the wrong person had been listening, things could have gone downhill for James very quickly. Potter wasn't exactly the kindest person unless you were his friend or he was curious about you, which were both rare. He had his fair share of enemies.

Hollis knew what that felt like. 

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

Remus's wrist heated up as he leaned against a stall, waiting for James to finish touching his black hair to touseled perfection in the mirror. Potter and him simultaneously looked down at their leather bands.

I can hear what you're saying from the girl's side, dumbass. Be more careful, one day the information you talk about in there could be used against you. - H

James laughed and Remus's green eyes widened at the partly warning, partly joking message.

"At least she told us before things got too personal," James pointed out to Remus, who was still worried about the previous discussions being overheard by other eavesdropping fifth year girls.

An idea popped into his head, the idea of eavesdropping putting him into the mindset of mischief.

Remus and I are going to spy on Sirius and Marlene, do you want to come with us? - J

We are? - R

Meet me in fifteen by the statue of Helga Hufflepuff. - H

Doesn't Sirius have his bracelet on, too? - P

Shut up and enjoy your date with that Hufflepuff - J

Hollis grinned.

rrs yall know whats next 🤠🤠

1.3k words

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara