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"herbology blushes"

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"herbology blushes"

The late afternoon, lemon toned sunlight shone through the glass panes bordered in decades of olive green, creeping moss that seemed to have made a permanent residence on the roof of Greehouse No. 4. The light refceleted off the glistening water droplets Professor Sprout sprayed on the thick, greyish Mandrake leaves a few minutes earlier. A strong breeze cut through the small crack in the window of the east side of the large greenhouse. The wind rustled through the terracotta pots and winding vines bearing plump, purple fruits that were pulsing slightly and shaking off bugs on their own accord.

This natural ambiance was broken by Sirius complaining about how his brown, couldory herbology smock wasn't flattering to his complexion for the past ten minutes.

"Warm, brown shades just don't compliment my undertones," Sirius whined as they replanted pale sneezewort petals as seeds into new rust-colored, rough pots.

Hollis snorted and looked up at Remus, who was currently reburying one of the creamy white petals in soft, tawny dirt, and he glanced down at her with an amused grin at their friend's complaints.

Remus, Hollis, and James all had smears of the earthy flecks on their faces, as well as all down the fronts of their aprons. None of them cared about their appearance as much as Sirius did, besides maybe James about keeping his hair as messy as physically possible.

As Hollis wiped a speck of dirt off her inky black eyelashes, another smudge of dark brown appeared on her cheek. Grabbing one of the damp, cream-colored, soft washcloths off the rusted sink behind him, Remus gently placed a hand on Hollis's chin to turn her towards him.

Softly wiping away the dirt beneath her eyes, he smiled and casually threw the cloth over his shirt. For some reason, the simple act of smoothly draping the washcloth over his shoulder made Hollis stare for a bit longer than necessary.

"Better now?" Remus asked with a crooked grin as he noticed her fixed gaze on him.

Blinking several times as a tinge of heat surfaced on her cheeks, Hollis nodded.

"Yea, thanks," she muttered, smiling. Turning her gaze to Marlene across the table, she called loudly over to the blonde with perspiration glistening on her forehead. "Hand me another pot, Marls?"

Marlene looked up and grinned.

"Overachiever much, Rosier?"

Hollis giggled as she reached forward across the stone table to receive the heavy pot from Mckinnon.

"I think the whole class might be able to move quicker if Sirius would shut up about his bloody undertones," Hollis said, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms over the brown apron and turning to the black-haired boy who was currently holding up a patch of the nutty fabric against the back of his hand to compare the two. "Only Marlene can knock sense into him when he gets like this."

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now