𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒.

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Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Sirius Black had been placed in Gryffindor for a reason. Their house did have a reputation of being arrogant and brash, and they weren't exactly exceptions to that stereotype. However, the three boys also filled the role of being remarkably courageous as well as being as bull-headed as they come. 

So when they stared up at the window they now knew what Hollis's on the fourth floor, they weren't in any way daunted. 

The black marble had many surfaces jutting out, whether they be windowsills or eerie carvings of dark dragons that were so lifelike they looked like they could breathe out a scalding spurt of amber fire at any moment. With every window, there could be another Rosier inside, and with every sculpture, a fragment could snap under their weight. 

But those were risks that they were just going to have to take.

Remus was the first to test his footing on an icy windowsill, and it was much more slippery than he expected. 

"Shit," he muttered and threw his backpack behind a bush. 

It was going to be easier to balance that way. Thinking about it strategically, Remus realized that he was going to have to almost entirely use his arm strength if he wanted to retain his footing. Taking a deep breath in, Remus felt his fingers go slightly numb as he wrapped them around the base of one of the marble dragon's wings. 

But he still managed to pull himself up with a burn going through his arms. And just like that, he was one story up.

It was slow going, but even then James and Sirius were struggling a bit to keep up with Remus's fierce agility that he was heavily employing to climb the windowsills and sculptures. Another obstacle was that the boys had to be as silent as possible, especially near the windows. They had no idea how thick the marble walls were, what could be heard from the inside.

"Almost there," James muttered as he looked below him at Sirius. "We're fucking insane, how many times have I mentioned this?"

"Too many," Remus replied sarcastically. "Saying it won't make the fact that we're going to snap our necks if we fall go away."

From the bottom of the three, Sirius's eyes widened. 

"D'you really reckon?"

James tilted his head back to look up and glare at Remus.

"Well look what you did Moony, putting that idea in his head," James said, but with a tinge of amusement. 

"I'm just being realistic," Remus said with a slight grunt as he pulled his legs on the top of a window. 

Sirius snorted at Remus's response.

"Yes, because this is just the perfect time for you realism, Lupin," Sirius snapped, and James rolled his eyes.

The three of them were so busy bickering that they hadn't realized that Hollis's window was now right above them. That was, until, Remus realized that the window was the only one with its curtains open.

"Guys, this is it," he called down, scooting over on the ledge that placed his head right in front of Hollis's windowsill. "Get next to me."

A few minutes later, all three boys were equally lined up. 

"Where's the lock?" James muttered, his eyes roving all over the oriental steel strips. 

They looked for a few moments before Sirius pointed a little left of Remus's shoulder.

With numb hands, Remus turned the iced over handle.

And it clicked.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

Hollis was having a very bad dream. 

She was at Hogwarts again, but that wasn't the downside of it. The problem was that now, instead of being with the other Marauders in their corner, she was sitting with Nott, Malfoy, Lestrange, and Black. Usually, Regulus wouldn't be bad, but something about this was just different.

The whole place had changed from its chaotic yet joyful atmosphere to one that was cruel and dark and unforgiving. 

In short, Hollis's real home had turned into Rosier Manor.

When the five of them walked out of the library and began making their path to the Great Hall, the hallways were just as crowded, but in an eerily uniform way. Instead of the usual casual and happy greetings, Hollis was met by stares full of either fear or hatred. When she looked down to avoid one of those glares, Hollis realized that her white sleeves were rolled up to her elbows.

And that she had a Dark Mark that was very much visible.

When she walked past Charlotte, the girl looked terrified and scarmbled away. When Hollis tried to smile at Marie, her eyes just narrowed. It was like the very worst of the pureblood reputation had been brought to life in her.

Just when Hollis thought it couldn't have gotten any worse, they turned the corner to see Gryffindor boys who she loved with all of her heart.

And they weren't who she knew.

Remus and James were both slumped on a wooden bench with the hands resting limply between their knees, while Sirius and Peter were sitting on the stone floor.

Which, Hollis just noticed, used to be a light cream color. And it was now shiny black marble.

The sixth years all had that spark of mischeif gone from their eyes, as if all the light and hope had been beaten out of them. They were silent, James wasn't trying to crack a joke, and Sirius wasn't complaining about his hair. Peter didn't have his usual snack on him, and Remus seemed to have lost his love of reading.

All four of them looked dead inside, and not like they sometimes joked that they were.

The light in them had been killed.

When the five Slytherins came around the corner, all they did was just look up. Not cower in fear like others had, just stared at them. With pure and untamed hatred.

It made Hollis's spine crawl.

"Well, if it isn't the fallen Marauders," Theodore spat. "It's no wonder she left you four, with how pathetic you look."

Hollis's thoughts turned panicked.

What did he mean, left?

"What are you talking about?" Hollis cried putting herself between the bench full of boys and Theodore. "I would never leave them!"

Then, like they shared the same mind and conciousness, the Gryffindors all spoke at once.

"You did."

Then, like a booming sound from the Hogwarts ceiling, a click sounded.

With tears running down her face and rapid breath, Hollis sat up against her black silk sheets with a violent start. The nightmare had been the only thing that joined her in sleep ever since she had been locked in her room. It was the same every time, ending with Remus, Peter, Sirius, and James saying that same confirmation in alarming unison every single time.

Holding her head in her hands, Hollis tried to remind herself that it hadn't actually happened.

They still knew her. She hadn't left them, and she never in her right mind would.

She just wished they were here to reiterate that.

And then her window flew open.

that nightmare is gonna be very important - remember it

i just kinda wanted it to happen at 150 idk why ok

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