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"i don't think i remember signing up for easy"

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"i don't think i remember signing up for easy"

Something about the corridors of Hogwarts seemed cavernous, ready to swallow her whole, when Hollis walked without Remus as she made her way to Potions class, her mind was focused on only anger with her parents. She hadn't gotten to actually analyze the letter that they had sent to Remus, but it was most certainly threatening and extremely offensive based on the Gryffindor's expressions while reading it. 

A group of seventh year Hufflepuffs accidentally bumped into Hollis, sending her stumbling slightly. They automatically apologized, and she gave her best attempt at a smile back. Kneeling down to pick up her quill and notebook that had fallen on the ground, a familiar hand reached them more quickly and handed them to her. 

For a second, Hollis froze as Remus slipped the black leather notebook and eagle feather quill back into her bag. He stood up with her.

"Hollis, please talk to me," he whispered desperately, but she wasn't listening. Her ears had picked up on another noise that alarmed her.

Following the sound past Remus, Hollis made her way past a group of Ravenclaws and Slytherins talking and towards a shallow carved space in the stone wall with a statue of Merlin placed in it.

James, Peter, and Sirius, who had been waiting on the two, looked at Lupin with confusion. "Where is she going?" Peter asked, not understanding how quick she had been to ignore him.

Remus didn't listen, following Rosier.

Listening very carefully, Hollis finally traced the crying sound back to a tiny first year Gryffindor girl sitting on the floor against the carved stone wall. She had red hair and grey eyes that were currently full of tears. Throwing her bag down, Rosier knelt down by the crying little girl with concern furrowed into her brow.

"What happened, sweetheart?" Hollis whispered kindly to the terrified eleven year old.

The girl stopped her crying for a second to look up at her.

"M-my friend just told me that there were really werewolves in the Forbidden Forest that want to hurt me!" the little ginger sobbed, her voice breaking.

Remus felt a small crack go through his heart at the child's fear of him.

She smiled softly and shook her head. "What did you say your name was?" asked Hollis sweetly to the tiny Gryffindor.

"Marie," replied the girl, wiping her eyes with the corner of her robes.

"Well, Marie, let me tell you a secret," Hollis told Marie eagerly.

The Gryffindor's face lit up and she gave Hollis a toothy grin. "A secret?"

Hollis laughed lightly. "Yes, but only if you can keep it. Can I trust you?" she asked with an overly serious face for the girl's entertainment.

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now