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"don't scream"

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"don't scream"

The Slytherin common room was full of students from all years trading their smuggled Honeydukes sweets, playing Exploding Snap, or seeing who could eat the most Pepper Imps in a row without the steam coming out of their ears making them pass out. In the left corner of the room, Lucius and Theodore were playing an intense and strategic game of wizarding chess that Roldolphus and Regulus were only half watching. Leaning forwards on his thighs, Theodore ordered his rook to move just so that Lucius's advancing pawn was now blocked from its attack on Theodore's knight.

Lucius sat back in the high backed black velvet chair with frustration, dragging a thumb across his bottom lip.

"Dammit, Nott," the pale boy muttered, carefully studying the board to see if there was any way he could save his last pawn.

Taking this as a surrender, Theodore ordered his knight to viciously attack Malfoy's white marble pawn. Smirking slightly, he raised his light brown eyebrows with an arrogant, challenging gaze.

"Well, we all know if I play Lucius any longer he's going to start crying, so who's up next?" Theodore asked, folding his hands on the polished black and white marble checkered chessboard.

Before anyone could reply, a piece of parchment fluttered down on to the board with a soft impact. Looking around to see who had done this, none of the four Slytherin boys had managed to get their eye on them.

"What is this?" Roldolphus murmured with a questioning tone to himself as he picked up the piece of parchment with dozens of little ribbons floating across its yellowed surface in crimson, navy, black, and emerald ink.

Upon closer study, all four boys that those ribbons had names.

"Hold on," Regulus said, picking up the paper out of Roldolphus's grip firmly. Squinting his eyes, he was the first of them to realize what this was. "Is this Hogwarts?"

With further consideration, Theodore noticed the inky footsteps trailing behind the names.

No matter how greedy and haughty he could be, Nott was as smart as they come. It didn't take long for him to realize that this map of Hogwarts was tracking people, marking their every movement across the castle with exact precision.

Looking up with his observant brown eyes, Theodore scanned the room for who had delivered this extraordinary map to them.

"Did any of you get a good look at who dropped this off?" he asked in a low tone to the other Slytherin three boys.

None of them replied, they were too busy looking at what Lucius had just discovered.

"No, but I think we've got a bloody good idea of who made it."

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