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"echoes of summer"

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"echoes of summer"

Remus was sitting in the Gryffindor common room with Sirius; the others had gone to bed already. He didn't know it, but he had barely avoided Regulus by taking a different route back to the tower, a rare stroke of luck on his part. 

Sirius had been in the frantic process of wiping spilled hot chocolate off the orange couch by the fireside, the reason why he was still downstairs, when Lupin had walked in. He was certain the guilt must have been obvious on his face, because Black asked what had happened immediately. 

"I dunno, she just kinda freaked out, and now I feel like a shitty boyfriend," Remus explained, subconsciously scratching the back of his head. "Like, I felt like I genuinely scared her into thinking that she couldn't tell me no.. I just don't understand. It was going- it was going more than fine and then she just froze."

"No offense, mate, but this is Hollis Rosier we're talking about," Sirius said as he leaned back, still having a bit of a hard time understanding. "I don't think she would let anything happen to her like that. She'd beat your ass before you could get a hand up her skirt or in her shirt."

Remus glared.

"Don't talk about her like that."


He stared for a few more seconds until he was certain his point was clear before moving on. "I mean, yea, normally, but has she not seemed a bit different to you this year?" he asked, popping his knuckles.

Hollis, please wake up.

"No, not really," Sirius lied, completely contradicting the haunting memories of Rosier Manor during the summer. "Seems normal."

"I mean, she hasn't been eating like at all," Remus pointed out, and Sirius nodded in agreement. "And she gets all weird when I try to talk to her about anything over the summer."

Hollis, we're right here.

"Maybe just like, I dunno, she's on her period or something?" Sirius lamely suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

"Dear Merlin, Pads, you and James have absolutely zero clue about any of this stuff."

"And you do?"

"Fair point."

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

I need a shower, Hollis thought, pulling her pajamas from her top drawer. Don't need to ruin another shirt with all the stuff coming off my forearm. I'm sure Lily won't mind if I use that prefect password again.

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now