𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒.

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tw - abuse

Vindia Rosier shrieked and dropped the bracelet on the ground with a clink of metal against marble from the surprise of the heat right as Hollis regained her breath. Gracefully using her abdomen muscles to kick her legs up, Hollis kicked the bracelet towards her hand and gripped it securely. Her exhale of relief only lasted a moment, though. Mulstone aggressively grabbed his daughter's wrist and roughly yanked her up onto her feet so hard that Hollis felt her arm pop painfully. With another rough collision to her already bleeding cheekbone and grunt from her father, Hollis's bracelet was once again in her parent's hands.

"It got hot," Vindia told her husband as he carefully examined the silver band. "That thing, it was like an alert or warning!"

Hollis was drained of any sort of hope that she had left like it had been pulled out of her body by the strongest magnet in the world. Tugging her downwards, Hollis felt like she was drowning. Usually, when Hollis felt like this, the only person who could help her out of the deafening waters pulling her downwards was Remus. He would hug her against his warm, firm chest, or hand her a bar of chocolate that filled her insides with warmth. Or Remus would kiss her, Hollis's personal favorite.

But he wasn't here to do any of that, and Hollis had so desperately alone very few times in her life.

Narrowing his eyes at his bruised and bloody daughter and then down to the bracelet in his large hands, Mulstone stepped towards his daughter, who was somehow still unbreakable.

"What is she talking about, Appoline?" Mulstone yelled, right in Hollis's face. "Why is the bracelet changing temperature?"

Her father's shouts turned to muffled blurs of sound in Hollis's ears as she realized what was on the line here. A week ago at Grimmauld Place, Hollis had thought of how she would go mad if it weren't for the bracelets. The band of metal was both her mental and physical lifeline. Without it, Hollis would be more alone than ever at Rosier Manor, and the loneliness might become too much to handle anymore. Physical because without the code of enchanted, jinxed, hexed, cursed, and that lack of a code word at all, Hollis would have no way of telling the other Marauders that she was in danger.

Or, even worse, they would come to her if she was silent for two nights in a row.

Hollis felt her heart crumple like an iron hard fist had secured a menacing fist around it. As another slap stung across her face to snap Hollis out of her thoughts, she began to lose count of how many times she had been hit.

"Answer me this instant!" Mulstone thundered with hostility at how his daughter had zoned out with a faraway, forlorn look in her eyes. "Why is the bracelet changing?"

But right as Hollis was about to open her mouth to protest, a prickle of warmth shot through Mulstone's left hand where he was gripping the bracelet. Shoving Hollis to the ground like she was a piece of old parchment with a sickeningly hollow thud as she hit the ground, Mulstone decided to figure out what was going on with the bracelets himself. 

Squinting his dark eyes, Mulstone realized that there were words, a sentence, engraved into the silver metal. Mulstone brought the bracelet closer to his face to read the carving.

we have to bring some of mias brownies to the station for you, hol - s

Mulstone Rosier was a very smart man, and it didn't take him long to figure out what was going on here. With his daughter's nickname used only by her filthy Gryffindor blood traitors or just straight up mudbloods, he first realized this must have been from one of them, confirming his previous suspicion. Then, the seeming sort of signature at the end implied that there was no sort of quote, it was a direct message from someone to Hollis. 

A few seconds later, the message sank into the metal and the surface was smooth and reflective once more.

And this validated Mulstone's final suspicion that his daughter and her Gryffindor friends were using these bracelets to communicate.

Hollis watched from her paralyzed position on the floor as her father slowly drew his eyes down from her bracelet and onto her.

"You must think that you're quite clever, don't you?" Mulstone hissed, stepping to his highly vulnerable daughter with her back against the ground, a position far too familiar and reoccurring for her. "Those filthy friends of yours communicating?"

These words somehow always gave Hollis the strength to stand back up. Gritting her teeth and shutting her eyes, Hollis took in a shaking breath and swung up gracefully off the floor so that she was standing in front of her father. Hollis's shoulders were back and head high, not letting herself being robbed of dignity no matter how much pain she was in.

"The last thing they would ever be is as filthy as you," Hollis spat, her honesty amplifying the statement. "I have met no one that could ever sink to your level of spinless selfishness."

Stay safe. 

I'll try.

Hollis knew it was the first of many promises she had yet to break as she saw how brutally angry the expression on her father's face turned. Holding the bracelet right in front of Hollis's face, Mulstone snapped the thin metal in half.

And just like that, her link to James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius was gone. In one second, the warmth of a connection had vanished and was overthrown by the bitter cold of loneliness. All it had taken was a second for Hollis to be in more danger than she had in her entire life. 

"No," Hollis whispered, tears watering in her eyes as she looked up at her father.

I was now too much to hold in.

"How are you so fucking evil?" Hollis sobbed, her voice raw. "What is wrong with you?"

Mulstone Rosier didn't respond and he dropped the two sharp ended halves into Hollis's already scarred palms at an angle so that they cut into her skin and scarlet blood began to trickle out.

As her parents left the room, Hollis collapsed onto the floor in pure grief for the loss of her real family. For over two weeks, they were gone.

And it made Hollis want to scream until her lungs gave out.

But little did the crumpled girl know, this was just the start of what was going to happen all across Lolchant Forest tonight.

another cliffhanger

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6th chapter of day - shit that's a lot

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