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song of the chapter - "talk too much" by COIN

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song of the chapter - "talk too much" by COIN

"tutoring and the bridge kiss"

^ i found this gif of andrew garfield after i wrote this and it was too perfect not to use

"I just have this philosophy that sometimes you can be a huge dick, Regulus Black."

Regulus returned Hollis's glare.

"Likewise, Rosier."

The day had not been going too well for either of the Slytherins so far, and the fact that icy rain had just started pouring down over their quidditch practice was not helping matters. 

The Slytherin team had been getting intensely drilled by Rookwood for nearly two hours, and Hollis and Regulus were thoroughly exhausted. They had all also missed their lunch break and study time because of how late practice was running over, making the whole team pissed off at both each other and their overworking captain.

Regulus and Hollis had been paired up to gather all the fallen quaffles on the wet field well after the rest of the team had gone inside the warm, toasty castle. Wrapping her numb fingers around the red leather, Hollis threw the spare quaffle Rookwood had probably stolen from the Gryffindors in the mesh bag Regulus was holding open aggressively.

"It is so goddamn cold," she groaned as she shook her fingers to try and regain some feeling in them.

Regulus rolled his eyes but reluctantly nodded. "My legs are so far gone that you could kick them and I wouldn't feel a thing," he added with a disgruntled sigh.

Hollis kicked his shin, and the seventh year cried out.

"I wasn't going to test that, Hol!" he exclaimed, but she just smiled simply back at him.

After a few moments, the Black couldn't hold his own small smile back anymore.

"Very clever."

"Thank you."

A loud crack of lightning penetrated the grey thunderclouds as Regulus picked up the last quaffle and threw it into the sack. The bolt lit up the glint of his metal watch, and Hollis's eyes widened in alarm.

"What time is it?" she asked, looking up at him with panic.

"Five minutes past two?" Regulus replied with a questioning tone.

"Shit!" Hollis cried, and started to run back towards the castle.

Regulus threw his arms up in exasperation and yelled at her back.

"We still have to get that broken beater's bat!" he shouted, voice nearly muffled out by the howling wind and pouring rain.

"I have to tutor with Remus!" Hollis replied, starting to run backward, and her apologetic grin was almost lost in the haze of ice falling from the sky.

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