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"and then just grinned at her"

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"and then just grinned at her"

The first Defence Against the Dark Arts club meeting was at the end of the week, and Hollis and Regulus were trying to create a plan of how to get Dumbledore to trust them and their information. So far, although only a little over a week into her N.E.W.T. level year, Hollis had managed to keep her fake tattoo hidden from view. It had already taken her an enormous amount of effort to keep a sleeve pulled down over the black ink at all times, while simultaneously making these motions as subtle as possible to keep them from looking suspicious.

Sitting in the surprisingly empty library, Hollis and Regulus were talking in low tones as to not earn the wrath of Madam Pince.

"So you really think that there's no way around it besides showing him the mark?" Hollis whispered, pulling up her white sleeve and tracing a fingertip over the winding, detailed snake.

Frowning slightly, Regulus shook his head.

"I mean, it looks real, Hol," he assured her, pulling up his own sleeve to compare. "Even a genius like Dumbledore shouldn't be able to spot a difference."

For a few moments, all that could be heard was the gentle rustling of covers sliding against one another as they rearranged themselves on the shelves as the two Slytherins stared at their forearms. His frown deepened as he noticed how her arm was still alarmingly thin.

"There's something I have to tell you, Reg, but you have to swear not to mention it to anyone," Hollis told him in a somber tone, breaking the silence between them.

His black brows furrowing, Regulus nodded.

"I swear."

Taking a deep breath in, Hollis shut her eyes briefly before talking.

"You know that day a few weeks before we started here when my mother and father got my O.W.L. results back?"

Regulus felt a small amount of color drain from his face.

"They didn't realize that you wanted to become an Auror, did they?" he asked, popping his neck anxiously.

A grim, humorless smile haunted Hollis's face at Regulus's correct assumption.

"Yea, but that's not the worst of it."

Eyes widening slightly with shock, Regulus ran a hand through his wavy hair. He wasn't entirely sure what news could be worse than Vindia and Mulstone discovering that their daughter wanted to fight against them as her career.

"What the bloody hell could be worse than that?" he asked, but he felt like he already knew the answer with every second he thought on it. He was just praying it was wrong.

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