89 - "JEALOUS"

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ok literally these next chapters are gonna bring together so so so many loose ends and connect a lot of events so i would advise to read very carefully

The school day of October thirty-first had been one full of glitter, laughter, and buckets of Honeyduke's candy distributed and passed among the students. The teachers had made a unanimous decision to cancel all homework that night so that the students could enjoy themselves as well, adding to the general fun of the day.

However, for five students, it was one of the most stressful nights of the year.

Usually, when it was a full moon, the Marauders would sneak out through the deserted or mildly busy corridors using James's cloak while the sun was still setting, and then all of them but Remus would change into their animagi forms once under the shelter of either shadow or a particularly large tree. From there, either Hollis or Peter, being the smallest animals, would run forward to press the knob of the Whomping Willow to make it stop moving. Then, they would all take the rooty tunnel to the Shrieking Shack, where Remus would then transform.

On Halloween, a wrench was thrown in nearly every element of this normalcy. Or as normal as sneaking out with a werewolf and four illegal animagi could be.

First of all, three very tall boys, an average one, and a short girl was already an incredibly tricky balancing act that they barely ever even accomplished. It was very rare that none of their feet would be exposed to the torchlight of the hallways, but most of the time there was no one to see them, and the cloak was just used as a precaution. On Halloween, though, the curfew had been pushed back. This would mean that the hallways would be ten times busier, making getting out to the grounds unnoticed in the first place very, very hard.

Then, once they even got out, the grounds were still sure to be much more occupied than usual. It was a Hogwarts tradition to send your friends off at Halloween to do stupid dares in the dark, especially on the grounds, where there was the fear that any sort of dark creature could attack. One of the unfortunately common dares was to go touch the Whomping Willow, the exact place where the Marauders would be trying to sneak in in their fully illegal forms.

Lastly, the Shrieking Shack had a reputation for being haunted by ghosts. Once the Marauders had heard these rumors, they instantly knew that it was no ghost making the loud cries coming from the Shack and that everyone had guessed wrong. However, Hollis especially had encouraged these rumors of the tattered building being haunted to discourage any other theories of what could possibly be making these mournful noises. It was something that she didn't think Remus noticed, but the auburn-haired boy most certainly did. Still, even after all the rumors, it was still commonplace for Hogwarts students to venture near or even into the Shack on a bet with the currency of either galleons or candy.

Long story short, this was going to be a juggling act of a hundred elements if the Marauders were going to pull this off.

And this time, it wasn't a cost of getting caught at a prank or not. The consequence wouldn't be the loss of some house points.

They were all running the risk of Remus being a werewolf becoming a well-known fact across the whole school if they didn't do this right. None of them were about to let that happen. Hollis knew she would do anything to make sure Remus would stay safe.

Little did she know, that was faith sure to be tested.

im at the archway by the divination stairway - h

wait what - s

where the bloody hell are you? - h

i thought james said to meet by the statue of bertrham the brave - s

since when do we listen to james? - r

please tell me that at least some of us are together - h

nope, im alone and i think im near the kitchens - p

who has the map? - h

sirius does - j

no i don't, remus does - s

i thought we agreed hollis would have it tonight - r

oh we're so fucking screwed - h

Hollis groaned and rested her forehead against the stone frame with exasperation at what a mess they were. Taking a glance outside a hazy stained glass window, she saw that the sky was turning a dusky and steadily darkening pink. With a quick, rough estimate, they had maybe twenty minutes before the sun was gone and the full moon up.

Making her way to the statue Sirius was at as quickly as her feet could possibly carry her, Hollis just wished that she had the Map.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

Weeks ago, Narcissa Black had been returning a book she needed for Transfiguration to Madam Pince when she heard loud voices coming from the southern corner of the library. Curious as of what was going on, Narcissa had walked towards what was known across the school as the Marauder's corner of the vast library.

The grey-eyed girl had listened for several minutes in confusion, not understanding what the Marauder's talk about some sort of map was. But after she heard her roommate talk about ways that this map could 'be dangerous in the wrong hands,' she had become intrigued and made a mental note of the short phrases used to lock and secure this mysterious map.

For over a month on end, Narcissa had been tracking their cycle of who had the piece of parchment sticking out of their robe pocket when, trying to find an opportunity to steal it and see what it did.

Finally during the chaos of the glitter prank earlier that morning, Narcissa had 'accidently' bumped into her cousin and slipped the Map out of his pocket.

At first, Narcissa's intentions for stealing the Map, which she now knew had been deemed by the five students as The Marauder's Map, were purely out of curiosity. But after observing its remarkable powers whenever she got the chance, Narcissa had felt that spark of jealousy for Hollis return.

It wasn't fair that the Rosier had become so close with those two Gryffindor girls while she had no one. And somehow Hollis had also managed to get one of the Marauders, Remus Lupin, and Narcissa had seen very few couples be happier together. She wished that instead of someone cruel and aloof like Lucius, Narcissa could have someone kind and brilliant like the Lupin boy. And even if she couldn't have someone like that, Narcissa at least wanted Lucius to like her to some degree.

But the Black had seen the way Lucius looked at Hollis, and she loathed Hollis for it.

And as I warned you many, many chapters ago, jealousy makes people do terrible things.

1.2k words

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