Chapter 3- Tensions Rising

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"Hey Lils," Evelyn swung her legs over the bench of the Gryffindor table, ignoring the dirty looks of the Marauders beside her. "Can I see your schedule?"

"Sure," Lily passed over a sheet of parchment as she grabbed a few slices of toast, buttering each one delicately. "Just don't spoil it."

"Wait," James stared at Evelyn from across the table. "You know Lily-flower too?"

Evelyn looked at his horrified face and turned to Lily with a smirk. "You're right, he is bad." She glanced back at James. "And to answer your question Potter, Sev, Lily, and I grew up together. So," she stole a sip of Lily's orange juice. "Naturally, we're besties."

James was disgusted as Evelyn placed the glass back down. "You're giving her Snivellus germs." He looked over at Lily with a pained expression. "You told her I was bad?"

"Bad-arse!" Sirius thumped his friend's shoulder enthusiastically. "Don't listen to Snape Spawn Two."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, her gaze focusing on Remus, who seemed totally uninterested in the current conversation. "Hey, Remus, what're you reading?"

The boy looked up quickly from his book, his brown eyes wide in surprise. "Er- Sherlock Holmes." He straightened his tie uncomfortably.

Evelyn grinned, leaning over to examine the text. "I love that one!" She raised an eyebrow with a smile. "Dr. Watson is my favourite."


She looked over to where Lily sat, orange juice spilling from the cup that Evelyn had knocked over with her elbow and soaking her schedule.

"Sorry!" Evelyn waved her wand, up righting the glass. The schedule, however, remained a dull orange. She grimaced. "Well at least I have your time table memorized."

"That fast?" Peter looked at her in shock, his shirt buttoned crookedly.

Evelyn shrugged, a grin playing on her lips. "Seems this year Gryffindor and Slytherin share the same classes." She nudged Lily in the side. "So you're stuck with me."

The Marauders groaned.


"Do you have to fix your hair every five minutes?" Lily's face was red as she glared at James. "Some of us actually don't like being distracted.

"Ah darling," James raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair arrogantly. "So I distract you?"

Evelyn discretely pointed her wand at the floor and the leg of the chair snapped, sending the Gryffindor tumbling to the ground. James let out a string of curses as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, you did just now," Evelyn smirked, sending Lily a wink as her friend tried to suppress a smile.

"You know what, Snape?" James sent her a fierce glare as he pulled over another chair. "I think I hate you more than your brother."

"Sevvvvv.." Eve got up and stalked over to her twin, who was busily scribbling notes, his quill barely lifting from the parchment. "Potter's a jerk."


Evelyn peered over his shoulder, catching the instructions for a complicated-looking potion. "What're you inventing this time?"

Severus snapped the book shut, ignoring her question as he turned to face the front of the classroom.

"C'mon," her gaze turned serious as she took a seat beside him. "We always work on those together."

"Not anymore," Severus snapped, striding out of the room.

Turning Tides- Snape's Sister (Marauder's Era)Where stories live. Discover now