Chapter 5- Fooling the Fools

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"We should go back."

Evelyn and Regulus rolled their eyes at Severus, who jumped as a door creaked open down the corridor.

"Scaredy cat," Evelyn teased, rubbing her shoulder into his side.

"Shush!" Regulus hissed, pulling the pair behind a pillar as Marlene McKinnon passed by, her blonde hair shimmering in the candlelight.

Evelyn grimaced as she saw Regulus's eyes linger on the girl's figure. She smacked him upside the head.

"Would you shut up?" Severus looked extremely irritated. "We may as well kneel down now and kiss Potter's toes."

"Don't mind if I do," Evelyn raised an eyebrow flirtatiously, but faltered at her brother's death look. "Kidding!" She pulled out a flask from her pocket. "I've got enough for you two."

"I don't even want to know how you two got the ingredients for a Polyjuice potion," Regulus looked down at the chunky solution with an expression of disgust.

"Evelyn managed to grab the hair off of two Gryffindor fourth years," Severus pulled out the strands from his pocket. "We have one hour. If the idiots wake up, then we pretend we were sleepwalking."

"Excellent," Regulus rubbed his hand together. "I get to do Sirius's." He looked at Evelyn with a confused expression. "And how are you sneaking in?"

"Sev and I have been practicing the Disillusionment charm," Evelyn smiled and tapped her head with her wand, feeling an immediate sensation as though an egg had been cracked on her head.

Regulus eyed the space where she was concealed. "Wicked."

"Now," Severus handed Regulus the flask quickly. "We don't have all night."

With a tip of their glasses, the boys swallowed the contents silently, each with a face of disgust.

"Ugh," Regulus groaned as his features began to bubble and morph. "Gryffindors even taste hideous."

Evelyn covered her mouth with her hand, tears of laughter bursting from her eyes at the sight.

While Regulus had resumed the form of a dark eyed, small Gryffindor boy, the space where Severus had stood was now occupied by a blonde girl.

"You didn't say they had to be male," Evelyn teased, reaching over to pat Severus's new hair.

Regulus took one look at Severus's irate expression, which was altered by the sweet innocence of the girl's face. "We should get going," he gulped. "I'm going to have nightmares."

Evelyn grinned, but turned and made her way down the corridor until they stoon in front of a portrait of a rather obnoxious woman.

The Fat Lady peered at Severus and Regulus with a look of disinterest. "Don't tell me you forgot the password?"

Severus and Regulus exchanged a look of panic, gesturing to each other fiercely.

"Er.." Regulus stuttered, trying to come up with a response. "Of course not, it's.."


Lily stood behind them, looking at the pair gently. "You two are fourth-years, aren't you?" She smiled at Severus, who looked mortified and patted his bangs nervously. "Angie, right?"

Evelyn held back a chuckle, stomping on her twin's foot as he simply stared at Lily in horror.

"Ow.. I mean right!" Severus gave a very forced smile as he aimed a kick at Evelyn's shin. "Thanks for helping us in."

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