Chapter 22- Wisdom from Dumbles

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"Professor?" Evelyn stepped into the Headmaster's Office after having a rather long argument with the stone gargoyle guarding the stairs. On a whim, she had guessed Cockroach Clusters and the ruddy thing had finally move aside.

"Ah, Miss Snape," Dumbledore turned from where he had been standing, gazing through a large window at the back of the room. He held out a hand. "Please, have a seat."

Evelyn walked over and lowered herself into the chair in front of his desk. It was made of leather and rather uncomfortable.

Dumbledore winced, a look of sympathy flashing in his eyes. "My apologies. That chair is normally reserved for guests I am eager not to stay."

Evelyn grinned, laughter escaping her lips. "Understood, completely." She fiddled with her sleeve as a more somber expression passed her face. "Thank you again Professor. A few months more at Hogwarts is an honor."

Dumbledore raised a hand, dismissing her guilt. "I would have done so for any student, Evelyn. Being a werewolf is rarely a choice."

Evelyn frowned, revulsion filling her chest. "Who would choose that?" She stared at the headmaster's sorrowful expression as disgust twisted her features. "Not him."

"Fenrir Greyback saw his transformation as a means to power," Dumbledore settled into his chair, his hands folding together. "A power that he realized he could not control. Although, he has certainly tried."

Evelyn grimaced, twisting her tie into knots angrily, her eyes burning. "I could kill him."

"I understand your hatred," Dumbledore gazed at her carefully, his expression warm. "But would you be showing him any more mercy than he did you?"

"I don't care!" Evelyn stood, knocking over a bowl of sweets on Dumbledore's desk. She shook her head violently. "He's a monster."

"Again, I do not disagree," Dumbledore remained calm, leaning forward slightly. "I only implore you that should the occasion arise that you meet again, you do not play his games."

Evelyn bit her lip, fighting back a wave of anger. "I won't." Sinking back into her chair, she let out a quivering sigh. "I definitely won't."

Dumbledore seemed appeased with her response and gave a small nod. "Good. Now," he stood, wrapping his robes closer to his chest. "I wanted to discuss plans for the next couple months. Do you think it is still wise to stay in the Slytherin dormitories?"

Evelyn shook her head adamantly, worry flaring in her eyes. "That would be awful."

The Headmaster nodded. "I thought that would be your response. Thus, I arranged for you to join Miss Evans in a private room in the Gryffindor Tower." He peered down at her over his halfmoon spectacles. "I trust it might be a bit more welcoming."

Evelyn swallowed down her defense of the Slytherins, realizing acceptance in her old house was futile. "I am a Gryffindor now?"

"Oh no," Dumbledore's beard shook along with his head. "The hat believed you were a Slytherin. This placement just serves to protect you."

"Okay." Evelyn felt strangely relieved to not give up her emerald tie.

"And as I assured in the Great Hall, the news of your state will not leave the grounds until the students do," Dumbledore smiled at her. "I have put several security measures in place."

Evelyn nodded, trying to contain the hope from swelling in her heart. She paused with a frown as she stood from the chair, eager to leave its confining depths. "Professor, what is the Order?"

A flash of surprise crossed Dumbledore's face as he chuckled merrily. "You left a great impression on Alastor." He stared at her with amusement. "You should be quite proud, he does not give his affections easily."

Evelyn smiled, looking down at the ground shyly.

"That information is not something I give out freely." Dumbledore watched her carefully. "But I feel confident enough to tell you it is an organization formed to combat the forces of Lord Voldemort."

Evelyn stiffened at the name, shock flaring in her dark eyes. "Oh," she swallowed nervously. "I see." She paused, her brow furrowing. "And Mo.. er Mr. Moody thought that I should join."

"I believe 'Mr. Moody', as you say, saw great potential," Dumbledore's gaze was piercing. "As do I, should you chose to do so."

"I would," Evelyn replied immediately, surprising herself with the quick response. She bit her lip. "I know I would Professor."

She thought she saw a faint glimpse of sadness in the headmaster's eyes, but it was gone before she could be sure. Dumbledore smiled at her gently.

"When the time comes, I would be delighted to have you Evelyn."

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