Chapter 30- Six Months Later

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"DUCK!" Evelyn cried, swinging around to aim a curse at the next Death Eater, causing the cloaked figure to tumble to the ground.

"Nice one," Fabian panted, looking up from his crouched position, his blue eyes twinkling with laughter.

Evelyn grinned as he stood and pulled her against the wall, narrowly avoiding another jet of light. "That means I have one more than you!" she bragged, casting a shielding charm.

Fabian didn't respond, aiming his wand at the ceiling. "BOMBARDA!"

There was a large crack as the ceiling of the manor split open and the chandelier fell to the floor with a crash, sending splinters of glass flying. Evelyn caught a glimpse of her reflection in a large shard that stopped to a rest by her feet.

Immediately after her first mission, she had cut her hair and the dark red mass hung barely to her shoulders, wavier than ever. Her freckles had grown more prominent and there was a crooked scar that ran down her left cheek.

"Oi!" Fabian strolled over, looking smug. "While you were busy admiring your reflection, I just scared off the last two Cloakies. Which makes my total 6."

"Oh whatever," Evelyn rolled her eyes as they linked arms, preparing to apparate. "We still didn't get our target."

Fabian snorted, tucking back his ginger hair and looking at his watch. "The Lestranges are a lot smarter than most of the others. Besides, Bellatrix knows you've got it out for her," his gaze flickered briefly at her scarred cheek.

Evelyn brought her hand up self-consciously, noting the anticipation on the man's face. "How's Molly doing with her twins?" The kind woman had just had her third and fourth sons, much to the pleasure of Gideon and Fabian, who were attempting to instill their prankster behaviors already.

Fabian smirked, mischief glowing in his eyes. "Just taught Fred to roll out of his crib. Little ginger is already a genius."

Evelyn braced herself as Fabian turned on his heel, apparating into Headquarters. Dumbledore had decided to use a small, but well defended castle near Dover for the Order's use and Evelyn felt a wave of relief at the familiarity of its stone walls. She secretly feared each time she left that it would be her last.

"Welcome home," Fabian grinned as he pushed open the door. "Think its safe to assume the meeting is in session," he commented, noting Moody's raised voice as they entered.

Evelyn lifted an eyebrow in amusement as she looked at her irritated mentor, who was pacing back and forth. "What's got you knickers in a twist—" her voice cut off abruptly as her gaze landed on the table behind him.

Normally, the long oak log was surrounded by various Order members, most of which Evelyn was still meeting. However, in their midst today were five people Evelyn had hoped to avoid running into.

"SNAPE?" Sirius gaped at her, incredulous. "What the bloody—"

"Evelyn?" Lily interrupted, her face pale. Her hair was longer than Evelyn remembered, although it was pulled backwards into a sensible braid.

Evelyn took a small step backward, feeling a wave of uncertainty. Remus stared at her in shock, while Peter fidgeted besides him, looking rather uncomfortable. She avoided looking in James's direction entirely.

"Well," Moody demanded, his eye swiveling impatiently. "Skip the small talk. How did it go?"

"Good," Fabian cleared his throat from behind Evelyn, snapping her back to reality. "Target was no where to be seen. But Evelyn took out five." He grinned, sending Moody a wink. "I beat her at six."

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