Chapter 28- Lily's Confession

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"I am not going to let my sister wander around London," Severus looked up from his Potions book with a scathing expression. "That's not a question."

"Sev, we did it all last summer," Evelyn bit her lip, toying with her Slytherin scarf. "I can handle it." She sighed, burying her head in her hands. "I didn't realize it was coming so quickly."

"Potter will do that to you," her twin snapped, standing up from the desk of the empty classroom they had met in. "I told you he was a bad idea."

Evelyn stood, grabbing Severus's Potions book. "Take that back. He helped me through Full Moon, you know." She looked down at the cover. "Potions Prince?" She grinned, a bubble of laughter bursting from her lips. "Did you make that up?"

"Give it back," Severus ripped the book away harshly, his eyes flashing. "You do know he will never get over Lily?"

Evelyn stiffened, feeling a stab of betrayal. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Do I really have to spell it out for you?" Severus leaned forward, his breath sour on her face. "Look at Lily and tell me she doesn't fancy him. Once Potter realizes that, tell me he won't go running blissfully into her arms."

Chatter filled the corridor outside the classroom as students were released from class. Evelyn stared at her brother angrily, knowing they had to leave soon. "You don't know anything." She gathered up her parchment quickly, avoiding his gaze.

There was a pause as Evelyn stopped at the entrance to the room, refusing to turn around. "Try Halfblood Prince again," she swung the door open, shooting her brother a glare. "Maybe it'll remind you that you'll never be the pureblood supremacist you admire so much."

Stalking out into the corridor, she nearly ran into a Slytherin. Pulling her bookbag to her chest, she muttered an apology, looking up to see the eyes of Regulus Black.

The boy stared at her in shock before swallowing nervously. "Eve I –"

"I don't want to hear it," Evelyn snapped, ignoring the guilt gnawing at her chest. She shook her head. "Just do me a favor and make sure Severus doesn't go down the same path you have."

Not waiting for a response, she turned and pushed through the throng of students, disappearing into the sea of cloaks.


"Regulus actually tried to talk to you?" Lily frowned as she sat besides Evelyn in the library, snow falling gently against the window beside them. "And you didn't stay?"

"No," Evelyn mumbled, pressing her quill in the ink pot angrily. "I was just so mad and then he was there, expecting me to forgive him."

"You haven't forgiven him?" Lily looked up, concern flashing in her emerald gaze. "Eve, it's not worth it to stay angry."

Evelyn slammed her book shut, feeling a wave of resentment towards the redhead, Severus's words repeating in her head. "And how's that going for you?" At Lily's stunned expression, she shook her head and sighed, gathering up her supplies. "Never mind."

"No, what is that supposed to mean?" Lily snapped, looking ruffled. "If this has anything to do with Severus—"

"Well have you forgiven him?" Evelyn challenged, uncertain as to why she was defending her brother after their row.

Lily straightened the stack of books in front of her stiffly, not meeting her eyes. "That's none of your business."

"I think it is," Evelyn retorted, her face growing red. "Seeing as he's my brother and all. It's gone on long enough. How many times does he have to apologize?"

"IT DOESN'T MATTER!" Lily burst, standing abruptly. Tears glimmered in the corner of the redhead's eyes. "It hurts too much to be around him."

Evelyn froze, feeling a wave of shame. "I'm sorry," she took a step forward gingerly, biting her lip. "I didn't realize—"

"You don't realize a lot of things," tears had begun to stream down Lily's face now, although she did nothing to stop them. "Like the fact that I like James."

Everything came to a halt. Evelyn gaped at her friend, speechless.

"And I feel so guilty!" Lily wailed, burying her head in her arms. "I wasn't even going to tell you but then every time I have to see you together, I just get so jealous."

"Oh," Evelyn shifted on her feet, feeling a stab of despair. "I see." There was an awkward pause as Lily refused to look her direction. "You should tell him."

The Gryffindor snapped her head to stare at her in horror. "No! I could never." She wiped at her face anxiously. "You two are so happy together, I should have never said anything."

Before Evelyn could respond, Lily had gathered her books and was already halfway out the library. Evelyn let out a sigh, burying her face in her hands. 

Turning Tides- Snape's Sister (Marauder's Era)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara