Chapter 17- Flirtations for a New Year

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Evelyn burst onto the Hogwarts Express, a wave of relief flooding over her. Severus loaded their trunks onto the train and for once there was a happy expression on his face. It had been a difficult summer. They had taken random jobs wherever there were ones available, sometimes having to sleep in alleyways or in abandoned flats. However, anywhere was better than being with their father again.

Evelyn grinned as she reached over and tousled Severus's hair. "I did a bloody good job, I must say."

She had insisted on cutting her brother's hair last month and now the black tips barely hung past the base of his neck. A few strands framed his dark eyes and while both siblings were in need of a bath, it was smooth and fluffy.

"Stop touching it!" Severus grumbled, slapping her hand away harshly.

Evelyn rolled her eyes as they reached her compartment. "Whatever, Halfblood Prince."

Severus halted, his face wrinkling into a frown. "What sort of name is that?"

Evelyn shrugged, plopping into a seat with a contented sigh. "You act like a spoiled Pureblood, without the pure."

Severus groaned, pulling out his textbook as he lay down. "Do me a favor and refrain from opening your mouth until you see Hogwarts."

Evelyn propped her feet against the window, her long red hair tumbling past her waist. She waited a few moments until a smirk spread across her face. "SEVVVVV I AM BOREDDDD."

"GET OUT!" her twin snapped, pointing his wand at her fiercely. "Before I do something I'll regret."

"So feisty," Evelyn teased, skipping out of the compartment. She trotted down the hallway, buying a pumpkin pasty off of the trolley before ducking into the prefects' carriage.

"Now, I'll start assigning patrols next week," Lily stood in front of the group, her hair pulled back tightly and her presence commanding.

"All with me, right Lilyflower?"

Evelyn rolled her eyes as James Potter leaned back in his chair, his black hair landing lazily over his forehead. She had to admit, he had matured a bit over the summer. Realizing she was beginning to stare, she looked away quickly with a blush.

"What are you doing here?" the Ravenclaw prefect, a blonde boy with a rather massive ego held out his finger in Evelyn's direction.

"Whoa there, Lockhart," Evelyn held up her hands as the other prefects snapped their heads in her direction. "I'm not interrupting your Boy Scouts meeting."

Lily rolled her eyes as she ran over and pulled Evelyn into a hug. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"You didn't get that excited over me," James stood behind her as he pouted dejectedly. "Why her?"

"Cause I'm just that much better looking, Potter," Evelyn tossed her hair over her shoulder with a smirk. Her gaze softened as she smiled at the bespectacled boy. "You are almost as tall as me now."

"We're the same height!" James protested, his cheeks turning pink. He turned to look at Lily. "Tell her I'm taller."

Lily shrugged, a grin of amusement playing over her lips. "One must not tell lies, Potter." She looked at Evelyn with an amused expression. "Take this idiot out of my hair while I wrap up the meeting."

Evelyn extended her arm playfully. "Come along, Jamsie."

James groaned as he took her elbow gently, guiding her out of the compartment. "That one is the worst."

"Hmm," Evelyn smiled mischievously. "How about Fleamont?"

"How do you know?" James yelped, running a hand through his hair with a scandalized expression. "That is top secret information."

Evelyn raised a finger to her lips. "I can't give away my secrets."

James's grin faded slightly as he examined the girl's features. "Was your summer alright?"

Evelyn looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, Sev and I left home."

"Really?" James stared at her, his glasses reflecting in the light from the window. "Where did you go?"

"Er.. a friend's house," Evelyn lied, not wanting to admit that they had basically been homeless. She pulled on his arm. "Let's go, I want to see the others."

James pulled her back, his gaze serious. "Where did you go, Evelyn?"

She sighed, finally meeting his eyes. "We ran around London, it wasn't so bad really." She shrugged, raising an eyebrow. "I learned how to wash clothes the Muggle way."

"Did you sleep on the streets?" James was incredulous.

"Once or twice," Evelyn admitted, a blush rising on her cheeks. "It wasn't bad, really."

"NO." James shook his head, his hair falling into his face. "Absolutely not. You are staying at my place for Christmas."

"What about Severus?" Evelyn absently reached over and brushed the hair out of his eyes, her fingers burning at the touch of his skin. She pulled away quickly.

James stared at her, his hazel gaze full of confusion. However, he blinked and cleared his throat quickly, shaking his head. "I guess Snivellus can stay too." He smirked. "I have a nice doghouse."

Evelyn looked at him in shock, her brown eyes wide. "Are you serious?"

"No I'm James," the Gryffindor joked, before realizing that Evelyn was still waiting for an answer. He let out a sigh. "Yes, unfortunately I am."

Evelyn let out a wild laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. "THANK YOU!"

"Hey, Prongs.."

Evelyn pulled away quickly to see Sirius staring at the pair, a smirk spreading on his face.

"What's going on here?"

"Nothing!" Evelyn and James chorused together.

"Right," Sirius retorted sarcastically. "Anyways, Peter needs help with his rodent problem."

Evelyn frowned in confusion, but James obviously understood as he nodded and left the compartment. Right before he disappeared, however, he looked back with wink.

"See you around, snake."

Evelyn rolled her eyes as the boy left, leaving her alone with Sirius. She turned to glare at the older Black. "If you say a word.."

"Your face says it all," Sirius shrugged. His expression grew solemn. "Have you talked to Reg?"

Evelyn felt a wave of worry. "No? Why?"

Sirius let out a shaky sigh, running a hand through his hair, which was growing longer by the day. "Things are getting worse." He looked at her with a faint gleam of tears in his eyes. "And I'm scared they won him."

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