Chapter 23- Comfort from a Boy with Bedhead

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"I still can't believe you're wearing Slytherin robes in the Gryffindor Common Room," James complained, shooting an accusing glare in Evelyn's direction.

Evelyn smirked from where she lounged on the sofa, Charms textbook open on her lap. "Get used to it Potter." She stretched, opening her mouth in a yawn. "Besides, I only come down here when it's too late for anyone else to see."

James's eyes caught on her arms, which had been exposed as she raised her hands. Evelyn turned a faint pink and began to tug down her sleeves to hide the scars.

"No," James grabbed her hand, his eyes wide. "Don't."

Evelyn felt sure her cheeks were scarlet as she looked down at his hand in hers. James seemed to notice and pulled away quickly, muttering an apology. She shook her head. "I don't mind if you look, better friend than stranger."

James settled on the sofa, twiddling his wand nervously. "Err.." he ran a hand through his hair. "I probably shouldn't be asking this."

"How did it happen?" Evelyn finished, her eyes warm. She smiled and bravely reached over to squeeze his hand. "That's fine. I haven't told that story since Lily." She leaned backward into the scarlet cushion, a faraway look taking over her eyes. "You know my dad is, well, violent. He's a muggle you see, and my mum is a witch. He didn't like it too much when he found out, but my mum was already pregnant with Sev and I and she begged him to stay." Evelyn's eyes darkened. "I wish he hadn't. When I was little, mum was always cleaning the house and trying to make ends meet, while my dad drank himself into oblivion in muggle bars and got angrier. One night," Evelyn paused, her voice shaking slightly and she swallowed. "He and mum got into a huge row. Shouting and screaming and throwing things. More on his part of course. I was five and terrified, so I snuck out of the house and into the fields behind it. Eventually, I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, a large man was standing over me. But he wasn't just a man." Evelyn closed her eyes, feeling her body tremble. "He attacked me and mum found me in the early hours of the morning, barely alive. She took me to St. Mungo's, but there wasn't anything that could be done. And now," she opened her gaze, staring at the fire blazing in front of her feet. "My dad just hates me more than ever."

There was a moment of silence before James leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Evelyn's waist. She buried her face into his neck, feeling a wave of embarrassment as a few tears found their way onto his robes.

"Sorry, I don't want to mess up your glamourous style," Evelyn chuckled weakly, pulling back and wiping at her face.

"It doesn't matter," James remained serious, his gaze full of pain. "I am so sorry, Eve."

Evelyn shook her head slowly, staring into his hazel eyes. "It's alright now." She shrugged, looking down at her feet. "I have you lot to keep me distracted. And after Christmas, I'll find a nice London alley," she grinned painfully.

"Absolutely not," James shook his head, running a hand through his wild hair. "My parents would love to have you."

Evelyn frowned, biting the inside of her cheek. "I couldn't—"

"I'll drag you there myself," James retorted before offering her his hand. "Now stop complaining and enjoy one of the world's greatest pleasures: the presence of James Potter."

Evelyn snorted. "Hardly." She leaned her head on James's shoulder, hoping he wouldn't pull away. He didn't. "Thank you."


Evelyn woke to a flash behind her eyelids and she sat up with a groan. "What—"

She jumped up, realizing she was in the Gryffindor Common Room. Sirius stood in front of her, a smug expression on his face and camera in his hands.

"Enjoy your beauty sleep?"

Evelyn looked down in horror as she realized James laid beside her, still sleeping soundly. "SIRIUS!" She stood up and pulled at the boy's arm. "Give me the bloody camera."

"Can't," Sirius jumped out of the way easily, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I have to record this moment for your posterity."

"Whose posterity?" James sat up in bewilderment, his eyes still foggy with sleep.

"Nothing!" Evelyn squeaked, shooting Sirius a death glare. "I have to change."

Spinning around, she sprinted off to the girl's dormitories, ignoring a few glares that were shot in her direction. The Gryffindors hadn't exactly been enthusiastic about her presence and Evelyn had the feeling that if the Marauders weren't there, she would have been thrown off the tower by now.

"There you are!" Lily exclaimed as Evelyn burst through the door. "I've been looking for you all night."

"I fell asleep in the common room," Evelyn explained quickly, grabbing a clean pile of clothes Lily had set out for her and jumping into the shower.

"You never close the door, do you?" Lily turned her back with a roll of her eyes. The redhead paused, a suspicious expression crossing her face. "Who were you with?"

Evelyn bit her lip, washing the grease from her scalp. "No one." She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body, catching Lily's glare. "Serious!"

"Do not lie to me," Lily raised a manicured brow. "I always find out your secrets."

"James," Evelyn mumbled under her breath, her face growing scarlet. She pulled on her shirt, buttoning it quickly.

"What was that?" Lily pressed, pulling her hair into a low ponytail.

"JAMES!" Evelyn burst and Lily's eyes widened in shock. "We just fell asleep talking," she added hurriedly. "It was nothing."

Lily placed her hands on her hips as Evelyn grabbed her bag in an attempt to leave. "That is not nothing."

"He's in love with you Lily," Evelyn protested, her damp hair flying into her eyes. She brushed it aside with a grimace. "Trust me."

"You like him, don't you?"

Evelyn finally met Lily's gaze, biting her lip. "No! I—" she paused, pulling down her skirt nervously. "Maybe slightly, but it doesn't matter."

Lily let out a squeal, quickly pressing her hand over her lips. "I KNEW IT!"

"You did?" Evelyn caught herself with a shake of her head. "Lily, seriously. He loves you. It would never happen." She tapped her wand against her leg nervously. "Do you like him back?"

There was a brief pause as Lily's bow furrowed, but the redhead smiled quickly. "Of course not, he's all yours." She nudged Evelyn playfully on the shoulder.

Evelyn caught her friend's hand, expression serious. "You do."

"No, Eve I—" Lily sighed, smoothing a hand over her ponytail. "I always wondered at the possibility. But I'm not actually in love with him or anything." She pulled Evelyn out the door. "I would much rather you be happy."

Turning Tides- Snape's Sister (Marauder's Era)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora