Chapter 4- A Centaur with a Solution

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"It's coming up, isn't it?"

Evelyn looked over to see Lily's worried expression, the fireplace in the library gleaming in her emerald gaze. She bit her lip. "You can say it Lils." Sighing, she sat up and rubbed her face in exhaustion. "But yeah, Full Moon is on Friday."

"You have to talk to Dumbledore."

"And tell him what?" Evelyn groaned, leaning back in her chair. "That I'm werewolf that could potentially put the whole school at risk?"

Lily looked away, hurt flashing in her eyes as she stabbed her quill into a piece of parchment. "I think he would understand."

Evelyn shook her head adamently. "The less people that know the better. And so far that's Sev, you, and my parents." She held up four fingers. "That's already too many."

Lily sighed, brushing her ginger hair behind her ear. "Well, how is that potion coming?"

"Still working on it," Evelyn grabbed a pillow off the sofa and held it to her chest. "Sev was helping me, but he's not speaking to me at the moment."

"Oh," Lily furrowed her brow, looking away as her cheeks flushed.

Evelyn sat up in suspicion. "He told you something, didn't he?"

Lily pressed her lips together, shaking her head. "I'm sorry Eve, I shouldn't.."

"Lily he's my brother!" Evelyn stood, her face growing red as she felt her temper flare. "And I thought we were friends."

"We are!" Lily looked up, extremely flustered as she searched for a response. "I just don't want to.."

"Betray his trust?" Evelyn tossed her bag over her shoulder. "Fine." She stalked over to the door. "Just do me a favor, Lily." She turned, refusing to look at the redhead and instead staring at the portrait over her shoulder. "Don't break his heart."

With that, Evelyn left the library, breaking into a run once she was out of the doors. Ignoring what seemed to be the Marauder's calls in the corridor, she didn't stop until she was outside the castle and on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. After she took a quick glance over her shoulder, she dove into the mass of trees.

It was eerily silent and the light seemed to fade further with every step that she took. Strange cries echoed throughout the maze of branches and Evelyn flinched as she stepped on an old twig, making it snap.

"Get a hold of yourself," she muttered, reached a hand to furiously wipe away the tears trickling down her cheeks. She had fought with Lily of course, but she never thought the redhead would keep secrets from her.

"What are you doing here?"

Evelyn spun around at the cold voice and grabbed her wand. A centaur stood proudly, his face firm and bow raised and fitted with an arrow. Immediately, she dropped her wand and raised her hands. She had read that centaurs were proud creatures and that their relations with wizards were rarely anything but tense.

"I'm sorry!"

The centaur lowered his bow slowly as he peered at her face with a piercing gaze. "We have been waiting for you, Evelyn Snape."

Evelyn froze. "You have?"

"The stars tell many things," the centaur gestured to the darkening sky, which could be barely seen through the tree branches above. He smirked. "As do people."

Evelyn frowned as she bent and picked up her wand slowly, storing it in her robe pocket. "Why would someone talk about me?"

The centaur shook his head, refusing to respond. "Come with me." Without another pause he galloped off, his brown body barely visible in the twilight.

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