Chapter 16- End of 5th Year

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Evelyn bit back a yelp as her arm brushed into the wall, pain shooting up her skin. She had just returned to Hogwarts last night and between her father's "lessons" and the Full Moon, her every bit of her body seemed to be aching.

"Evelyn, stop," Regulus's gaze was firm as he held out an arm, stopping her from entering the Charms classroom. "You need to go to the Hospital Wing!"

"NO!" Evelyn lowered her voice as a group of Ravenclaws eyed her with annoyance. "There would be too many questions."

Regulus sighed, but gave a nod of understanding before he motioned her into an empty corridor. "Come here, then."

Evelyn frowned as she followed him into the desolate corner, the usual burble of Hogwarts fading behind them.

"Take off your shirt."

Evelyn's mouth dropped open and Regulus rolled his eyes, holding back a snort. "Not like that." He took out his wand grimly, scanning her body. "I know a few healing spells that help me."

Evelyn paused before nodding slowly, her hands shaking as she slid off her robes and unbuttoned her shirt slowly. She couldn't help but feel a flood of embarrassment. What if Regulus saw the scars on her back? Those couldn't exactly be explained by her father.

Regulus exhaled slowly as he took in her torso. A large purple bruise stretched across her abdomen from her transformation, fading angrily into her pale skin. A few of her ribs were cracked and buldged abnormally from her skin while her left arm was bloodied by a large scratch that ran across her shoulder.

"Evelyn.." Regulus sighed, pulling his hair back from his forehead. "Severus doesn't know, does he?"

"No," Evelyn shook her head. "You know how guilty he would feel." Biting her lip, she watched Regulus run a wand over the bruises, fading them slightly.

"I'm telling you Pads," James Potter rounded the corner, the rest of the Marauders behind him. "She doesn't.." he trailed off as he stopped in front of Evelyn, his eyes widening.

Evelyn threw her shirt shut, wrapping her arms around her chest defensively. "Potter."

"What the.." Sirius raised his wand at Regulus, who still held his own out towards Evelyn. "What did you do?"

Evelyn threw herself forward, letting out a small groan as her chest burned with pain. She held up her hands in front of Sirius. "He was trying to help me." She lowered her voice, looking at Sirius carefully. "He knows advanced healing spells."

Sirius's face slackened as a shadow of guilt passed over his features. Evelyn bit her lip, turning away to button up her shirt before throwing on her robes. Fastening her tie, she faced Regulus, avoiding the Maurauders' faces. "Let's go."

"No," James stepped in front of her, blocking the way out. His eyes were wide behind his circular glasses. "Who did this to you?"

Evelyn shook her head, biting her lip. "No one." She ducked under his arm, but he grabbed her waist gently.

"I'm not letting go until you tell me," his voice was firm.

Evelyn felt her cheeks burn and she avoided meeting his gaze. "My father." She pushed his arms away softly, extracting herself from his grip.

Sirius stepped forward, his grey eyes burning furiously. "You should tell someone."

Evelyn shook her head, sending him a firm glare. "Of all people, you understand why I can't." She felt a pang of guilt when he flinched. She sighed, looking at James as she ran a hand through her hair. It could use a wash. "Severus used to take them for me," her voice was low. "Until one day, he made our father so mad he.." Evelyn closed her eyes. "He almost killed him." She paused, opening her eyes and shaking her head. "I don't want your pity, and neither does Severus." She lifted the shoulder bag onto her arm without looking up. "But maybe think twice before torturing him next time. He's a lot braver than you think."

Regulus followed behind her as she walked past Remus and Peter, eager to escape the awkward tension.


James's voice made her pause and she turned around slowly, hesitantly meeting the boy's eyes.

"I'm sorry," James looked guilty, his face pale. "I didn't know."

"I didn't want you to," Evelyn smiled slightly, her eyes dark. "You always try to be the hero."

James's expression darkened as he winced, looking down at his shoes in shame. "Not always."

"No," Evelyn shook her head. "But you try." She looked at Regulus. "Now you stay here and have a decent conversation with your brother before I curse your trousers off."

Regulus opened his mouth in horror, but quickly thought better at the dark look the redhead sent him. "Alright," he muttered reluctantly.

Evelyn smiled, squeezing his hand quickly. "I'll see you all around." She turned and walked down the corridor.


Evelyn smiled sadly as she looked around the Great Hall, which was decorated in blue and silver. The crest of Ravenclaw proudly hung from the ceiling, fluttering in the wind that swirled in the air.

"I can't believe Ravenclaw won the House Cup," Regulus poked at his chicken wing moodily. "Again."

"What do you expect from a house of nerds?" Severus shrugged, enamored in his usual potion book.

"Says the one who hasn't stopped reading since the feast began," Evelyn retorted, her eyes dancing in amusement. She leaned over his shoulder. "Trying to beat Slughorn at his finest?"

Her twin snorted, his expression twisting in distaste. "That old fool couldn't tell monkshood from wolfsbane."

Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "Aren't they the same.."

"Besides the point," Severus slammed the book shut irritably. "Do you ever stop talking?"

Evelyn smirked, piling a healthy amount of pie on her plate. "Only when I can't annoy you."

Severus rolled his eyes, growing serious. "Well, I have something to talk about." He lowered his voice, looking around to make sure no one else was eavesdropping. "We aren't going back home."

"What do you mean?" Evelyn stiffened as she glared at her brother. "We can't.."

"In the condition you came back from spring break, there's no question," Severus snapped, pushing his hair back from his eyes.

"What?" Realization spread across Evelyn's face as she whipped around to glare at Regulus. "YOU TOLD HIM?"

Regulus held up his hands, guilt flashing in his eyes. "I had to!" He lowered his voice, his gaze full of pain. "No one should have to go through that."

Evelyn bit her lip as she slouched in defeat. "What about mum?"

"She left," Severus shook his head. "Finally apparated away to a cottage in Wales. I figured it was safer if we left her alone though, less people for him to track."

Evelyn nodded, picking at her beans absently. "Where do we go then?" She looked at Severus with a curious expression. "You know, I've always loved London."

"May as well," Severus shrugged. "Doesn't matter where we go, as long as we can blend in."

"Me? Blend in?" Evelyn caught herself as Regulus shifted, obviously still listening. She froze. "Well you know, me being an idiot and all?"

Regulus raised an eyebrow at her questioningly, but chose to ignore the comment.

Evelyn beamed, grabbing his hand. "Reg! Come with us," she begged, her eyes opening eagerly as a strand of hair dropped in front of her eyes.

Regulus pulled away, shifting uncomfortably as he stared at his plate. "I can't."

"Why not?" Evelyn's eyes narrowed as she looked at Severus, who was gazing in the opposite direction. "What's going on?"

"Just let it be, Evelyn," Severus snapped, his gaze cold as he refused to look at her. "It's Regulus's business."

"Seriously?" Evelyn glared as neither of the boys offered any other information. Her gaze grew desperate as she looked at the younger Black. "Just promise me there'll be no tattoos Reg."

Regulus shifted around the food on his plate, refusing to look up. "Sure."

His tone was anything but convincing. 

Turning Tides- Snape's Sister (Marauder's Era)Where stories live. Discover now