Chapter 33- Teenage Mischief

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"You should come with us," Lily urged, her emerald gaze soft. "It's late."

Evelyn paused at the entrance to the Room of Requirement, biting her lip. She had been to several training sessions and, to her relief, each one seemed to gain her more trust with the Hogwarts students and fewer flinched away from her touch. "I don't know, Lily."

"You should," Peter looked up from where he had been walking with them, his eyes bright. "James and Sirius smuggled in a stash of butterbeer."

"Oh, really?" Evelyn grinned, her eyebrow raising mischievously. "Well, that changes everything, doesn't it?"

"Yes," Remus appeared at Lily's side, pulling a book from his bag. "It means I will lock myself in the room for the rest of the night."

Evelyn lost the rest of Peter's response as they approached the entrance to the Gryffindor tower. She halted, staring up at the portrait with mixed emotions.

"You alright?"

She spun around, hissing as her neck pinched. Sirius watched her carefully as she rubbed it ruefully. "Yeah, I'm fine." She looked back as students began to file into the common room. "Didn't think I would ever be back here, really."

"Me neither," there was a pause as Sirius turned and Evelyn was sure he was going to leave. Then the Gryffindor sighed. "You're a bloody nuisance Snape." He reached out a hand, offering to help her through the portrait hole. "But somehow I feel bad for you."

"Thanks?" Evelyn took his hand slowly, raising an eyebrow.

"Just do me one favor," Sirius gazed at her seriously. "Next time don't leave without talking to us first."

"I promise," Evelyn dipped her head as she entered the tower.

"On that note," Sirius thrust a bottle in her direction, forcing it into her hands. "Drink up."

Evelyn watched him go in amusement as she raised the Butterbeer to her lips, taking a small sip of its contents. She froze as her eyes fell on James and Lily, who seemed involved in a tense conversation.

"They've been like that a lot since you came back," Peter watched the pair before looking at Evelyn carefully. "James missed you, even if he won't say so."

Evelyn swallowed, turning away from their direction. "I don't know Pete," she looked into his blue gaze. "I think it's best I keep my distance." Forcing a smile, she took another sip of her drink. "How have you been?"

Peter shrugged solemnly, looking away. "Alright."

Evelyn frowned, taking a step closer to the boy. "What's going on?"

"I'm scared," Peter's voice was barely a whisper. "I don't know if I want to fight."

Evelyn wrapped an arm around his shoulder, a good bit taller than his small frame. "Pete, that's okay."

He looked up at her in panic, his eyes watery. "But I'm a Gryffindor!" He aimed a kick at the sofa beside them. "I should have never been sorted here."

"Peter, it's alright to be scared." Evelyn squeezed his shoulder. "I'm so terrified of losing you all. But that's how I know it's time for me to fight. That said," she continued, noticing Peter's flinch. "There are many ways to make a stand. You could be a Healer or work for the Ministry. But for right now," she looked at him softly. "You have given the most by being their friend."

There was a pause as they both turned to look at the growing activity in the Common Room. Sirius was currently trying to see how he could spike the punch bowl without Lily noticing, flask open in his hands.

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