Chapter 47- The End

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"Stay close," Moody turned back briefly to give his team a warning glare. "Tread lightly." His form disappeared into the shadows of Malfoy Manor, silence resounding throughout the walls.

Evelyn bit her lip as she felt James press tighter to her side. Fabian and Gideon prowled towards the front of the group, wands tightly gripped in their hands. Kingsley, Sirius, and Remus brought up the rear, Lily, Peter, and Severus a few steps ahead.

"I still say you should leave," James hissed, helping her scramble over a thick rug, her boots catching on the fabric. "You're putting yourself and the baby in danger."

Evelyn winced as she placed a soft hand on her growing stomach. She was four months along now and beginning to feel rather tired already. "Our son, James." She looked up at her husband with a quiet smile. "I found out yesterday."

"A boy?" James swallowed, a depth of emotion glittering in his hazel gaze as he placed a gentle hand on her waist.

"Yes," Evelyn grabbed his arm, holding him close as she lowered her voice. "And I couldn't bear to be parted from you. No matter what, we go together." She scanned his weary expression, waiting for a response.

"EVE! JAMES!" Fabian appeared from the corridor beside them, his eyes wide and a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. "Moody's located the diary."

Evelyn stepped forward, James following behind with his wand gripped firmly at his side. "Already?" She frowned as she reached for her own wand. "It's too easy."

"I would think so."

The group froze as Lucius Malfoy strode from the shadows, his hair glinting a deathly pale in the moonlight. "Then again," the blonde sneered, a look of satisfaction on his face. "You idiots are so easy to fool."

"STUPEFY!" James roared, smashing the vase above Lucius's head.

The Death Eater ducked aside easily, clicking his tongue in disapproval. "Play gently, Potter." He narrowed his eyes at Evelyn, "and I'll show mercy to your wife." His gaze flickered briefly to her stomach. "And child."

Evelyn stepped forward, lashing her wand and throwing the man against the marble wall. As he struggled to find air, she lowered her gaze to meet his. "What have you done with the diary?"

"The horcrux, you mean?" Lucius panted, raising an eyebrow in an attempt to retain his dignity. "Don't think the Dark Lord isn't aware of your little plan."

Evelyn's eyes widened in horror as she fell backward, shaking her head. "Who could have.." she whipped around to look at Fabian and James. "FIND MOODY!"

"Too late for that, dearie," Bellatrix Lestrange appeared from behind them, her finger tracing the edge of her dagger. She smirked at Evelyn's expression. "I'm here for some fun."

"Bella," Lucius stepped forward, his hair muddled from being thrown, his gaze warning. "We were instructed to being everyone to him. Alive."

"Oh I can still make sure of that," the witch snarled, stepping closer to Evelyn, her rotten breath grazing her cheek. "Won't I?"

"Over my dead body." James threw himself between the two women, his arms held out in front of Evelyn.

Lucius rolled his eyes, tossing his hair over his shoulder irritably. "Enough of this." He held out his arm to Evelyn, his gaze cold. "If you want to see your friends again, I suggest you three come with me."

Evelyn swallowed, gripping James's hand as she slowly reached out and pressed her fingers to Lucius's cloak. They disapparted in an instant.

"Well, well, well."

Evelyn opened her eyes, scrambling up off of the ground. She was in the middle of a field of grass, the undergrowth fading to a pale grey in the moonlight. Lucius grabbed for her as she lunged forward, but she ducked out of his arms and held her wand to his throat, her gaze wide as she faced the man standing in front of her.

His face was an unearthly pale, rather thin, much like a corpse. What could have once been handsome features were now twisted with cruelty and age. The most unsettling were his eyes. They were a deep scarlet and seemed to flare with rage as he stared at her.

"Vol.. Voldemort," Evelyn whispered, not taking her gaze from his figure. She noticed Lily squirming in Avery's arms, his wand poking into the side of her throat. The rest of the Order was similarly held in compromising positions.

"Ah, Evelyn," the dark wizard strode forward, a smirk lacing his lips. "I've heard much about you." His gaze flashed over to Severus, who was struggling against Lucius's hold. "And your traitor of a brother. Let's watch him bled, shall we?"


A block of dirt erupted from the soil at James's cry, clouding the air for a brief moment. Evelyn lost her husband in the confusion, finding herself held at the wrist.

"STUPEFY!" she shouted, pointing her wand blindly. The grip on her arm fell away and she turned around as the dust settled. The grass had become a battle field, cloaked figures exchanged spells at remarkable speed and Evelyn couldn't decipher Order member from Death Eater in the night.


Evelyn threw herself to the ground instinctively, careful to fall on her side instead of her stomach. Voldemort towered over her, anger blazing in his gaze.

"Sectumsempra!" Evelyn managed, thrusting her wand at his chest.

Large gashes burst across the wizard's chest, blood soaking his black robes even darker. Voldemort sunk backward and Evelyn scrambled to her feet, keeping her wand raised and her shoulder throbbing madly.

Raising his head, the wizard let out a laugh, his eyes widening in amusement. "Not bad, Evelyn." He smiled, revealing grey teeth. "But you do know I am immortal, don't you?" All humor erased from his expression, Voldemort raised his wand. "And now it's my turn."

Evelyn watched motionless as the green light spiraled towards her chest, knowing she had no time to move.

Suddenly, a figure threw itself in front of her, taking the curse directly to its body. James fell to the ground, all light gone from his eyes.

Before Evelyn had time to respond, the curse rebounded, turning its rage on its caster and blasting through Voldemort's chest. There was a large flare of light that illuminated the faces of the duelers. Every blade of grass could be seen, for a brief instant. Then there was a deafening bang and everything was still.

"No," Evelyn whispered, gazing at James's body. She stared at the last determined expression on his face, not willing to believe he was gone.

"MY LORD!" Bellatrix ran forward, a streak of blood glazed across her cheek. The spot where the dark wizard and stood was vacant, besides his cloak. Voldemort was gone.

Evelyn couldn't bring herself to care as she collapsed on the ground, beginning to sob. "JAMES!" she pressed her face into his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Don't go." She pulled back and cupped his cheek gently, feeling his skin already cool. "Don't leave me."

"Evelyn." Remus's voice choked as he reached over to her shoulder. "We—"

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Evelyn snarled, flinching away. She shook James's shoulders harshly, growing in desperation. "Wake up."

She was too hysterical to notice the silent stunning curse that hit her side as Lily caught her and everything went black. 

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