Chapter 38- There's a War Burning

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"You are seriously still going?" James leaned against the counter as Evelyn prodded at the bacon sizzling in the pan.

"I'm not Sirius," Evelyn sobered as she caught James's angry expression. "James, I have to. It's for the Order."

James turned away as she handed him the dishtowel, folding it over the oven. "You said you would give us a chance."

"And I have," Evelyn leaned closer, ignoring the frying bacon. "And we've become friends again. But I can't abandon the mission. It's my responsibility."


She looked up in surprise as James pushed himself off the counter, his shirt buttoned carelessly. "But I'm coming with you."

"James!" Evelyn opened her mouth to protest, but thought better at the determined glare in his eyes. Sighing, she smiled softly as she turned away from the stove. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Kiss me," James raised an eyebrow teasingly. They had agreed to take things slow and so far there had only been the occasional hug in greeting.

Evelyn stepped forward, increasing the tension between them until she felt that she could hardly breathe. "Okay," she echoed, reaching forward and pulling his mouth to hers.

Their lips moved together in familiarity, forming a steady rhythm. Evelyn tilted her head as she deepened the kiss, James pushing her against the fridge gently. Parting her lips slightly, she relaxed into his arms, feeling euphoric.

"It smells like something's burning," Sirius stormed through the door, causing the pair to break apart instantly, cheeks burning. He froze, grey eyes widening as a smirk spread across his lips. "Oh something's definitely burning."

"THE BACON!" Evelyn cried, eyes widening in fear as she darted over the stovetop. The meat was barely recognizably. She sighed. "I give up cooking the Muggle way."

"I could have told you that," Sirius sat in the kitchen chair, lifting his feet on the table. "Prongs, be prepared to live a tasteless existence."

Evelyn shot the man a glare. "I can't wait for you to go back to school tomorrow." The boys had come to stay at the Order headquarters with her, as she was to leave for the werewolf den after they returned to Hogwarts.

"You don't mean that," Sirius watched as James wrapped his arms around her waist. "What about your lover boy?"

There was a small creak as Remus pushed open the kitchen door, his face drawn and tired. However, his eyes blazed with a fierce fire Evelyn had not seem for weeks. "Evelyn, I'm going."

"Wh—" Evelyn shook her head immediately, pulling away from James. "NO. Remus—"

"I already talked to the Order!" Remus snapped, holding up a hand. "And I'm going in your place. There's nothing you can do."

Evelyn's lips parted as she struggled to find words. "Rem.. why?"

Remus sighed as he collapsed in the chair next to Sirius, who had gone rather pale. "I need to feel useful Evelyn. There is nothing for me after Hogwarts." He placed his ragged briefcase on the table. "People will know of my condition."

Evelyn shook her head, taking the seat across from him as James followed. "People knew of mine, Remus. And I still have found a life."

"Exactly," Remus looked up, exhaustion lining his brow. "You're an Auror now," a smile twitched at the corners of his lips. "And I daresay you will find yourself in plenty of dangerous situations, especially with James." His gaze grew solemn as he looked into Evelyn's troubled eyes. "I want this Evelyn. I need a purpose instead of feeling the victim."

Evelyn held his gaze for a moment before she dipped her head slowly. "Alright," she reached up and untwisted a chain from around her neck before placing it into his hands. "Take this. It's how the Aurors stay in contact." She pulled her hand away quickly, trying to fight the guilt. "One squeeze will take us right to you."

Remus stared down at the pendant with a quiet expression before closing his fingers and placing it carefully into his pocket.

"Excuse me?" Sirius's voice was deadly and Remus flinched as he turned to face him. The man looked furious, his grey gaze flashing dangerously. "Do I get any say in this?"


She felt James whisper into her ear, his breath tickling her neck. "We should let them talk."

Evelyn nodded, letting him lead her out of the kitchen and into the parlor. Leaning close, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. "How can I let him go?" her voice was full of tears.

"Because he loves you," James reached over and tilted her chin to meet his gaze. "And you need to honour his wishes." A faint sheen of tears glimmered in his hazel eyes and Evelyn realized he was just as worried as she was.

Pulling him close, she pressed her lips to his jaw firmly, closing her eyes as they refused to let the other go. 

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