Chapter 12- Unpleasant Holidays

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"What are you so happy about?" Evelyn grumbled as she sat down next to Regulus on the Hogwarts Express, her robes replaced with a Muggle sweatshirt and jeans. "We have to go home."

Regulus shrugged, his gaze bright as he stared out the window. "I got myself a girlfriend."

Evelyn's eyes widened as she reached over and slugged him on the arm. "Reggie!" She faked a sob, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "You're so grown up."

"Shove off," Regulus grimaced as he shoved his textbook in between them. "You're a menace."

"I've been trying to tell you that for years," Severus looked up from his Potions essay dryly, sitting across from them.

"Sev, it's break for a reason." Evelyn rolled her eyes at her twin. "Potions will still be at Hogwarts when you get back."

"Unfortunately," Regulus sighed as the train slowed to a halt, pulling into King's Cross station. He pulled his trunk off the rack above their heads before looking at Evelyn with a somber expression. "If your dad gives you any trouble.."

"I'll tell you," Evelyn promised, squeezing his hand. "Same for your mum." She paused. "And no tattoos?"

"No tattoos," Regulus nodded firmly before leaving the compartment.

Severus watched him go with a faint expression of concern. "Evelyn, don't ask him to make promises he can't keep."

Evelyn stiffened as she whirled around to face her brother, her hair falling into her face. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Severus sighed as he pulled their trunk off the train, nearly toppling an owl cage. "Sometimes people don't have a choice."

"Yes, he does." Evelyn spat, her gaze burning. She stuttered as her twin remained silent, her eyes widening in realization. "You've considered it, haven't you?"

"TO PROTECT US!" Severus bellowed, his face growing pink. His eyes darted around nervously to make sure there were no passerby as they passed through the platform and entered the muggle world. "With your condtion.."

"Don't you dare pin this on me." Evelyn's eyes were narrowed as she stared at her brother forcefully. "I would sooner die than be involved in that."

Severus shoved her into a cab, aware of the stares they were beginning to attract from their outburst. "Don't be an idiot."

Evelyn shot her brother a dark look, her words thick with tears. "Severus, if I ever find out you became involved." Her voice cracked. "It would kill me." She shook her head. "We both know there's probably going to be a war. And I need you fighting by my side."

Severus sighed as he shifted into the seat next to her, reaching over to grab her hand briefly. "Always."

There was silence in the cab until it pulled up in front of the Snape home. The curtains were drawn firmly shut over the grimy windows, although the flowers she and Sev had planted last summer still grew feebly. The paint was more worn than ever and cracks chased each other across the cement.

"MUM?" Evelyn called as she walked up the pathway and opened the front door carefully. "We're home!"

"Ah, Evelyn."

Evelyn froze as the hulking shape of her father appeared in the doorway. Tobias Snape was in desperate need of a bath. His hair hung messily in his face and his breath reeked of alcohol. Leaning closer, he smiled, a long row of yellow teeth exposed.

"Welcome home."


One more day. Evelyn leaned against the porch with a sigh, wrapping her arms around her legs. One more day until she could go back to Hogwarts.


Evelyn opened her eyes to see Lily walking toward her, concern evident on her face.


Evelyn grabbed her arm, glancing back at the house worriedly. "Not here," she hissed, turning quickly and striding in the opposite direction.

"What?" Lily's eyes widened as she stumbled after the Slytherin. Evelyn didn't stop until they reached their childhood playground, her house hidden from view.

"He's back, isn't he?" Lily was horrified, her emerald gaze sprinkled with sadness.

"Yeah," Evelyn kicked at a large rock furiously, causing it to skid across the dirt. "Mum said he begged to come home."

"Does he still.."

Evelyn looked away and Lily grabbed her arm, pulling away as she winced.

"Eve you've got to tell someone!" Lily stared at her wrist. The sleeve of her shirt had risen a few centimeters, exposing bruised flesh. "What is Sev doing?"

"I made him leave," Evelyn shook her head at Lily's face. "He didn't do it willingly. Found a place to stay in London." She bit her lip. "Dad would have killed him if he saw him."

Lily nodded with a broken expression. She wrapped an arm around Evelyn's shoulders and the friends leaned their heads together.

Evelyn smiled wistfully as she gazed at the swingset. "You remember when we dared Sev to jump off of it?"

Lily snorted, shaking her head gently. "You mean YOU dared Sev. I had nothing to do with it."

"I told him you would be impressed," Evelyn shrugged, smirking as Lily turned to her with an outraged expression. "It worked!"

Lily rolled her eyes as the sun descended behind her shoulders, lighting her hair on fire. "You're impossible."

Evelyn bit her lip, wondering if she should dare to ask the question. "Lily, would you ever like him?"

There was a moment of silence as the redheaded Gryffindor shifted uncomfortably. "I already have."

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