Chapter 15- Protecting Snivellus

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"You really thought it was easy?" Lily looked over at Evelyn in amusement, her eyes glowing in the spring sun.

Evelyn shoved her friend with a small smile, nearly tripping over a quill lying on the floor. "You scared me to death! You said the OWLs were impossible!"

Lily shrugged, shoving her textbook into her bag coyly. "You and I both needed the motivation to study."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, "that's all we have been doing. No life whatsoever." Her grin faltered as she caught a glimpse of the Marauders out the window.

It had been a couple months since the whole Remus incident and she had not spoken a word to them since. James and Sirius shot her filthy looks from across the hall and she hid from Remus every time he approached.

Lily followed her gaze, shaking her red hair gently. "You really should talk to them, Evie."

"And do what?" Evelyn sighed, shoving her quill into her bag sloppily. "Hey Remus, sorry for almost poisoning you. But we're all good now, right?"

Lily groaned as she followed her friend out into the courtyard, where groups of relieved students had already begun to mingle after their OWLs. "You are impossible."

Severus looked up to see the pair walking toward him. His gaze softened when he saw Lily, although he pointedly ignored Evelyn's presence.

Evelyn shifted her bag on her shoulder with a deep sigh. "I'll see you later, Lils."


She turned away before the redhead could persuade her to stay. Severus was still furious with her for giving the potion away. She shook her head absently, muttering to herself. Seemed she had very little admirers these days.

"Evie," Regulus approached her from where he had been standing with Lucius and Avery Nott.

Evelyn kept walking. "If you're going to give me another lecture, I really don't want to hear it. I have enough people angry with me."

"No," Regulus held out his arm, his gaze worried as he scanned her unkempt appearence. "Who's angry with you?"

"It doesn't matter," Evelyn snapped, avoiding his eyes. "Why don't you go back to your Slytherin friends?"

"You are a Slytherin, Eve," Regulus pointed out mildly, taking her bag off her shoulder.

"Sure feels like it," Evelyn mumbled. "Rejected by everyone in sight? Sounds about right."

Regulus flinched, his tone hardening as he stopped, forcing her to face him. "I didn't reject you Evelyn."

"Right," Evelyn felt the anger pouring down in waves. "That's why you have talked to me in weeks."

"That's because you're keeping secrets!" Regulus threw up his hands in exasperation. "I can't be friends with someone who doesn't trust me!"

Evelyn grabbed his arm, refusing to let go until he met her gaze. "Reg, I trust you more than anyone." She looked down. "There are just some things I don't want to talk about."

"Why not?" Regulus narrowed his silver eyes in suspicion. "Is it because of my family?"

"NO!" Evelyn retorted, letting out a groan. She knew that halfbreeds were one topic that Regulus was not fond of. Letting out a sigh, she met his gaze pleadingly. "Reg, I just need a friend right now." She held up a hand. "There are some questions I can't answer but that doesn't mean you're any less important to me."

Regulus muttered in frustration, although his gaze softened as he met her desperate eyes. "Alright." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Just promise me that you trust me."

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