Chapter 21- Redemption

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Evelyn paused at the entrance to the Great Hall, taking out her wand and performing a Disillusionment Charm. She wasn't sure if she really wanted her presence to be known. Looking down, she rolled up the sleeves of her shirt, exposing the scars that laced her forearms. There was no point in hiding those anymore. She had snuck into an empty classroom and had managed to change back into her uniform, although rather sloppily. Her tie hung loosely from her neck and she had gathered her hair into a haphazard twist at the nape of her neck.

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn stepped into the Great Hall, where many of the students had already gathered for breakfast. Avoiding the Slytherin table entirely, she looked over to where the Marauders usually sat, surprised to see Lily with them.

"What if she doesn't come back?" the redhead whispered, her emerald eyes gleaming with worry. "She's never been gone this long before."

"Can you blame her?" Remus poked at his porridge, his face pale and drawn. Dark circles lined his eyes and his hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in weeks.

"Remus, it's not your fault," Sirius leaned over, his gaze firm. "You didn't know."

"None of us did," James replied bitterly. Evelyn searched his face sadly, seeing resentment flash in his gaze. "Why did she never say anything?"

"She was scared."

All of their heads turned to face Peter, who turned pink and looked down at the table shyly. Evelyn felt a wave of affection for the boy.

"May I have your attention?" Dumbledore stood up from the Head Table, his robes a brilliant purple. He gazed across the Hogwarts students, making eye contact with a select few, who squirmed uncomfortably under his blue gaze. "It has come to my attention," he waved a hand, "that some of you have learned about the condition of one of your fellow students."

Evelyn stiffened, biting her lip nervously and thankful that no one could see her.

"However," Dumbledore's voice grew firm. "It is a condition that is of no fault of her own and one that brings more harm to her than it does for yourselves." He peered down over his halfmoon spectacles, his gaze on the Slytherin table. "Any letters for home written the past day or in the following weeks will be searched for information regarding this student and Hogsmeade trips will be postponed. Upon Christmas vacation, I cannot stop you from going home and informing the outside world. However," the Headmaster clasped his hand together thoughtfully. "Until that time, I see fit that the student should enjoy her place here at Hogwarts without our scorn." He looked over at Evelyn, piercing her with his gaze and she felt a wave of shock run through her body. "Does that work for you, Evelyn?"

Evelyn released the Disillusionment Charm, hearing several gasps and murmurs echoing though the hall. She was well aware of the ugly bruise that stretched across her cheekbone from Lucius's boot. "Yes, professor." A prick of tears threatened at the back of her eyelids, but she blinked them away fiercely. "Thank you."

Albus smiled softly, dipping his head. "You have nothing to thank me for. Although, I must ask you to wait at my office. I have a few things I would like to discuss."

Evelyn nodded, eager to escape the accusing stares that were thrown her way. "Of course, professor."

She all but fled the Great Hall, sprinting out of the doors and onto the empty staircase. Breathing heavily, she leaned against the bannister, closing her eyes. What had just happened?


Evelyn looked up to see Lily standing at the bottom of the stairs, followed by the Marauders. She smiled weakly. "Hey, Lils."

The redhead rushed forward, throwing her arms around her while tears streamed down her face. "I will murder you later."

Evelyn shook her head, a faint smile passing over her lips and her eyes watered as she returned the embrace. As Lily pulled back, she chuckled weakly. "Just nothing too painful, alright?"

Lily rolled her eyes, rubbing the tears off her cheeks. "Nothing worse than that hideous bruise on your face."

Evelyn smirked, about to retort when her eyes locked on James and Remus, who stood watching the scene quietly. Her grin faltered as she took a slow step forward. "I'm sorry."

Remus shook his head, his eyes downcast. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

Evelyn bit her lip, fidgeting with her emerald tie. "You see why I thought the potion would work. I was supposed to take it that night," she looked down. "Severus was furious and I can see why."

"Why didn't you just tell us?" Sirius took a step forward, his gaze guarded. "If you knew about Rem, you know we wouldn't have cared."

"I didn't want you to just be friends with me because you felt bad for me," Evelyn waved a hand, shaking her head. "That would have been far worse than being enemies."

"You really think we're that dense?" James took a step forward, hurt flashing in his hazel eyes.

"No," Evelyn looked at the boy seriously. "I think you're too much of a hero." James looked up in surprise and she grinned faintly. "It's easier for me to fly solo Potter."

"You told Lily," Peter pointed out, entering the conversation for the first time. His watery gaze was earnest. "She said she's known for ages. About Remus too."

Evelyn flashed the redhead a look of surprise, but shook her head adamantly. "That's different, we.."

"No it's not," James approached her, determination gleaming behind his glasses. He stopped centimeters from Evelyn, making her look down in discomfort. He reached a hand under her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. "We are your friends and we aren't leaving."

Evelyn frowned, aware of the warmth of his fingers seeping into her chin. "But.."

"No buts," James stepped back as Remus approached. The boy finally met Evelyn's gaze, his face pale but his eyes glowing with a gentle wisdom. "I didn't want to trust anyone. Or hurt them. But unless you're telling me I don't deserve friendship either, then let us bloody walk you to Dumbledore's office."

Evelyn's eyes widened as her lips parted in shock. She stared at Remus in astonishment as a smile spread across her lips. "I think you'd make an excellent lawyer."

Remus laughed weakly, running a nervous hand through his hair.

James raised an eyebrow at Evelyn, his tie askew and glasses crooked. "So that's a yes?"

"Yeah," Evelyn looked around at the boys with a grin, her gaze falling on Lily with a wave of gratitude. "You are all so ruddy stubborn," she joked.

Sirius snorted as he walked over to Remus, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I think you win the award for that one."

Evelyn's eyes widened in defense. "I do no—"


She held up her hands as the Gryffindors chorused together, shaking her head. "OKAY! Okay!" She turned to walk down the corridor, the torches tossing merry shadows against the stone. "Anyone know Dumbledore's password?"

"Chocolate frogs?" James guessed, shooting a questioning look at Sirius. "Or was that last week's, Padfoot?"

"Thought it was Fizzing Whisbees," the dark-haired boy frowned, pulling his long hair back into a bun.

Lily watched the pair in confusion, shaking her head in disapproval as her red tresses gleamed in the amber light. "I'm not even going to ask how you know that."

"Brilliant," Remus offered her a high-five. "Best lesson I've learned with James and Sirius: the less questions asked, the less disturbing your life is."

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