Chapter 25- So the Romance Begins

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 "I can't believe you actually kissed Potter," Lily looked up from where she was knitting a Gryffindor scarf.

"Me neither," Evelyn mumbled, tapping her quill against a blank roll of parchment that was supposed to be her Herbology essay.

Lily frowned, raising an eyebrow as she set aside her yarn. "You still haven't talked to him, have you?" At Evelyn's silence, she rolled her eyes, "seriously? It's been like three days."

"And we are still determinedly avoiding each other," Evelyn rubbed a hand over her forehead, her fingernails a chipped black. "Maybe it's for the best."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Lily crossed her arms over her chest, sending her scathing glare. "If this has to do with being a werewolf—"

Evelyn sighed, tossing down her quill. "That's one of many issues. One," Evelyn held up a finger, "he is madly in love with you and always will be. Two," she extended another finger, "I don't care what you all say, I am still a risk to be around. And that brings me to three," she leaned back in her chair, puffing out a breath. "No one in their right mind would date a werewolf, especially when the whole world is about to know about her condition."

Silence fell in the room as Evelyn twirled her tie, scrunching it into waves. "I told you I had good reasons."

"No," Lily slid off her bed and stalked over in front of Evelyn, hands on her hips. "I just had to process how idiotic that sounded." As Evelyn opened her mouth to protest, the redhead held out a hand. "My turn. One," she held up a finger, mimicking Evelyn's earlier actions. "Potter was infatuated with me. That's not the same thing as love. Two, the best things often come with risk. And three," Lily smirked, "Potter has never had a 'right' mind so that shouldn't really be an issue."

Evelyn stared at the Gryffindor in shock, her eyes wide. Opening her mouth a few times, she shook her head with a small sigh when she had nothing to argue with. "Okay. So what do I do?"

"Find Potter," Lily shrugged, retrieving her wand and yarn. "It's not usually difficult."


Both girls flinched at the sound of Sirius's voice. Lily hissed as her scarf began to unravel and quickly began to knot the ends.

"Right," Evelyn grinned, wringing her hands nervously. "Well, I'll try talking to him."

She turned and exited their dormitory, taking the stairs two at a time until she reached the Gryffindor Common Room. Remus and Peter were deeply engrossed in a game of Wizard's Chess while James and Sirius chased each other in circles, Sirius's hair a deep shade of pink.

"What happened?"

The boys froze as Evelyn watched them in amusement, her dark eyes glimmering with laughter. James ran a hand through his hair nervously as Sirius sent him a glare.

"I was just trying to take a nice shower. And little did I know that this traitor," Sirius made a rude hand gesture in James's direction. "Messed with my shampoo."

Evelyn snorted, her smile faltering as she looked at James awkwardly. "Er.. could I talk to you for a sec?"

James smoothed down his pants several times, looking rather uncomfortable. "Right, of course."

"Oo a talk?" Sirius wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Sounds like my cup of tea."

"Bugger off Padfoot," Remus called over from where he sat behind the chess set. "They already look awkward enough."

Evelyn turned a deeper shade of pink. "Right," she gestured to the door. "You want to go for a walk?"

"Sure," James agreed, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

As they left the common room, Sirius pranced over to the portrait hole. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"That eliminates nothing," Evelyn snorted, walking quickly away from his sight. She led James through the empty corridors, fidgeting with her tie nervously and not stopping until they reached a deserted chamber. She looked around at the stained-glass windows, which depicted various scenes of dragons and mermaids. "Well, here we are."

"Yeah," James ran a hand through his hair as she finally turned to face him. His hazel eyes were filled with embarrassment.


Evelyn laughed lightly as they both started at the same time and she shook her head. "You go first."

"That's not fair!" James smirked, a mischievous gleam in his eye as he finally seemed to relax. "Ladies first."

"All the more reason you go," Evelyn retorted, flicking a strand of hair from her forehead with amusement.

"Ouch," James staggered backwards as if he had been wounded, but recovered quickly at Evelyn's hesitant expression. He sighed, "so about the kiss."

"Right," Evelyn nodded shortly, her eyes wide. "See I don't really blame you if you want to forget all about it, I know I would." There was a brief flash of hurt in James's eyes and she took a step backward, waving her hands. "NO! Not because of you. You're brilliant," she stammered. "I mean because of what I am and I don't want anyone involved when they don't want to be and then there's Lily and–"

She was silenced as James stepped forward and quickly pressed his lips firmly against hers. She stiffened for a moment, before leaning in closer and wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back. After a moment, James leaned away, his hair even more of a mess than it usually was.

He raised an eyebrow. "Do I get to talk now?"

Evelyn nodded mutely, unable to find words for once.

"Excellent," James flashed her a mischievous smile. "I should do that more often if it means you finally stop talking." At Evelyn's glare, he chuckled before looking down and untucking his already wrinkled shirt. "I don't know what exactly this is. But I know I really like you. Despite your Snivellus blood."

Evelyn snorted, smacking his chest gently. "You're a charming one, aren't you?" There was a pause as she bit her lip, looking at the floor. "But I'm a werewolf. And I won't ever be able to change that." She looked up, her dark eyes honest. "I really have accepted being alone, you know. I don't expect anyone to take pity on me."

"Pity? You?" James rolled his eyes, his glasses lopsided. "Please. I just think you're fun and," he scanned her body coyly. "Mildly attractive."

"Only mildly?" Evelyn bit her lip, looking crestfallen. The laughter in her eyes died as she locked gazes with James. "James, what about Lily?"

"I don't know," James let out a deep sigh, running a hand through his hair. "That's really why I've been a git and avoiding you." He blew out a puff of air, pursing his lips. "I've just fancied her forever, you know? Bit of a fantasy, I suppose."

Evelyn nodded, trying to hide the stab of disappointment piercing her chest. "Right. You should wait for her, really." She turned to leave the corridor.

"No!" James grabbed her hand, rolling his eyes. "Will you let me finish? I'm trying to say that I want you!" The words tumbled out of his mouth and Evelyn froze, her eyes widening. "I can't explain my feelings for Lily and I'm sorry. But I do know that if I don't take a chance and see what happens with us, I will always regret it."

The Gryffindor lowered himself onto one knee, his eye gleaming playfully. "Evelyn Snape, will you do me the honor of accompanying me on a date?"

Evelyn paused, her lips pressing into a grin. "I suppose so, Potter." She extended her hand to him dramatically, interlacing their fingers. "As long as you bring some chocolate."

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