Chapter 42- RAB

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Evelyn let out a groan as she sat up, her shoulder aching from colliding with the floor. She was in a rather old and dusty looking kitchen, the pans hung unused from racks on the ceiling as a grim grey wallpaper decorated the walls. Sirius shifted in pain beside her, causing her to flinch and immediately turn to his side.

"He needs water!" she placed a hand on his forehead, which was scalding hot. "Come on, Sirius," she muttered as she scrambled to turn on the faucet, filling her hands with water. To her relief, the man managed to swallow a few mouthfuls and fell backwards with a sigh.


Regulus's whisper drew her attention. The boy sat with his back against the cabinets, cradling the house-elf's small body in his arms. Evelyn crawled across the floor to feel his arm, a stab of worry in her chest when there was no pulse. She pulled out her wand.

"Expecto Patronum," she murmured, conjuring the silver doe. "Find James. Tell him I'm at—" she cut herself off, realizing she had no idea where Kreacher had apparated them too.

"12 Grimmauld Place," Regulus answered, his voice hoarse as he held Kreacher closer.

Evelyn turned back to the doe before sending it away. "James I'm okay but I need as many healing potions as you can take from Headquarters." Turning back to Kreacher, she waved his wand over his small body, muttering as many spells she could remember. None of them were working.

"We need another house-elf," Sirius finally spoke, his throat raw and raspy. Shifting upwards, he let his hair fall past his shoulders, eyeing Kreacher with an unreadable expression. "They have their own magic."

Regulus sat up, shifting Kreacher gently into Evelyn's arms. "I'll talk to Severus. He can send one from Hogwarts."

Before either of them could protest, the Slytherin turned and left the kitchen, his cloak trailing behind him.

"Didn't think I'd ever come back to this place," Sirius grunted, adjusting his weight against the table. "At least not like this."

Evelyn quirked up an eyebrow, resorting to a desperate humor. "And how did you imagine your homecoming?"

"More dramatic," Sirius smirked painfully, leaning his head back with a sigh. "More screaming. And fire."

There was a sudden crash as James burst into the kitchen, his hazel eyes scanning the trio wildly. "You're okay!"

"Mate, I'm having the time of my life," Sirius muttered, brushing back sweaty hair from his forehead. "Now be a deer and get me some water," his lips quirked up.

James ignored his attempt at a joke and grabbed the nearest glass, filling it with water. After thrusting it in Sirius's direction, James tossed a vial at Evelyn, refusing to meet her eyes. "Now does anyone want to actually tell me what's going on? Or should I go back to sleep and leave you to it?" His voice was deadly.

"James I—" Evelyn stood shakily, aware of the pungent smell of smoke that rolled off her body.

"No," James snapped, holding up a hand as he turned to Sirius. "I want to hear you explain."

"Right, pick on the invalid," Sirius muttered, but he took a shaky sip of water. "Knowing your innocent family, I'm gonna assume you don't know anything about Horcruxes. They're dark magic Prongs, really dark." He closed his eyes, wincing in pain as he moved his leg. "You have to commit murder and then split your soul before you can place it into an object. It's a twisted way of trying to attain immortality. Apparently old Voldy has made some. I'm assuming my brother, the sneak that he is, told Evelyn. They went after one." He smirked slightly, his face slowly regaining a bit of colour. "Guess they needed me to be the hero."

"Did you get it?" James's voice was quiet as he stared at his friend.


Regulus appeared in the doorway, his face covered in soot. A small female house-elf peered from around his leg before running over to Kreacher, who lay still in Evelyn's arms. Regulus held up the Slytherin Locket, which dangled back and forth on its chain before looking over at Kreacher.

"Is he gonna be okay, Winnie?"

Winnie looked up, her eyes a bright blue. "Winnie cannot say. But Kreacher needs rest and care of the house-elves. Yes," she nodded to herself in confirmation. "Winnie and the house-elves at Hogwarts will watch over him." Without another word, she placed a delicate hand on Kreacher's arm and the pair disappeared.

"James," Evelyn stood shakily, thankful for the pressure off her body. "I—"

"What were you thinking?" Evelyn could hear the tremor in James's voice as he finally turned around to face her.

Evelyn crossed her arms across her chest, hugging herself tightly. "I didn't want to put you in danger."

"Evelyn, when will you learn that you need help?" James snapped. He ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. "You asked Sirius before me."

"That's because I'm disposable, Prongsie," Sirius grinned up at his friend, sending a wink in Evelyn's direction. "I'm not the one she's in love with."

There was a crash as Regulus dropped his glass of water. The boy stood with wide eyes, not bothering to fix it. "You love Potter?"

"Yes," Evelyn blurted immediately, beginning to tremble from the aftermath. Looking at James's eyes with a pleading expression, she shook her head. "Very much."

James softened slightly, tugging on the dark strands at his neck once more. He let out a sigh. "Promise me you won't leave again." He sat down, burying his head in his hands. "I can't bear my friends in danger without me. Especially you, Evie."

"I promise," Evelyn responded immediately, sitting down next to him and placing a tentative hand on his. "Never again."

"And cue dramatic soap opera," Sirius groaned, rolling his eyes. "Honestly you two are worse than the Muggle shows Peter watches."

There was a small snort as the three turned to look at Regulus, who looked rather embarrassed at the attention. A small pause fell on the room as Sirius smiled at his brother.

"I must say I'm impressed Reggie."

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