Chapter 8- The Boy with Hazel Eyes

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"You're telling me this leads to Hogsmeade?" Evelyn peered at the statue of the one-eyed witch, staring at it skeptically. She pulled on the maroon jumper she had borrowed from Lily, which was a bit too small.

James rolled his eyes at her doubtful expression. "Watch and learn baby Snape." He raised his hand and tapped the witch's hump with his wand. "Dissendum."

The hump rolled away to reveal a dark passageway that smelled faintly of rust and mold. Evelyn wrinkled her nose.

"How did you figure this out again?"

"Sirius and I were running from Filch," James made his way into the passageway, a bounce in each step he took. "Just seemed to open up at the right time, really."

Evelyn snorted as she climbed inside the dark hole, not at all liking her close proximity to the cold stone. "Of course it did."

James paused, his glasses illuminated by the light of his wand as he turned to face her. "And that is supposed to mean?"

"That Gryffindors always get away with everything," Evelyn raised an eyebrow as she finished his question. "Professors go easy on you."

James opened his mouth to argue, but closed it with a shrug as he was unable to find a response. "Suppose so," he led the way through the musty chamber, seeming rather at ease among the rats scurrying to and fro. "But that's because we're actually trustworthy."

Evelyn shoved him indignantly, nearly causing herself to topple over into his back. "And so are we!"

"Snakes and Death Eaters?" James scoffed, his tone scathing. "Right." He paused under a trapdoor. "This should be right underneath Honeydukes."

Evelyn was quiet, seeming to not hear the last part as her face grew rather red. "You know Slytherins don't always choose their path, right?"

James looked surprised at her outraged expression. "Everyone has a choice. They could resist if they wanted to."

"Just because you've had it easy," Evelyn shook her head, crossing her arms firmly. "Doesn't mean everyone else has."

There was a pause as she and James stared at each other, dark eyes clashing with hazel.

"Well they certainly don't ask for help." James turned and began to climb the ladder, lifting up the trapdoor with a grunt before crawling through and leaving Evelyn behind.

Evelyn bit her tongue, begrudgingly admitting some truth to his words before she followed. Blinking as she finally ascended into the light of day, she stared at the barrels of candy lying in the basement and stumbled onto the floor.

"Merlin," James caught her as she tripped over a bag of blood lollipops. "I've never met someone clumsier." He straightened his glasses, which she had knocked askew. "Do me a favor and never play Quidditch."

"Don't plan on it," Evelyn murmured as they ducked into the store area of Honeydukes, attempting to blend in with the regular shoppers. "Although, I can fly."

At this, James turned to her with interest, his hazel eyes lighting with excitement. "Seriously? What broom?"

"I don't have one," Evelyn looked down in embarrassment, shifting her feet. "But I've ridden a few times."

"Everyone should own a broom! Come one," James was outraged. As she refused to look up, he grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the candy shop and into the snow.

Evelyn tried to calm her cheeks as they blushed furiously, feeling the heat of his hand in hers. "Wait! James!" she pulled on his arm, getting him to stop. "I.." she paused, her face matching her red hair as she looked at the ground. "I don't have money for a broomstick."

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